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•••Cane Rules•••
To be a member you must be recruited by another Cane member and reported to one of the Leaders. Your new clan name must include the Cane at the end of the name. If you want to stay in the clan, you have to use your clan name often, play games, and be in the channel Op ClanCane.
If we see that your record hasn't changed in 2 weeks and we haven't seen you at all in a long time, you will be removed from the clan and you will not be considered a member.
The ranks will be solely based on the member's skill level with respect to their ability to defeat opponents in 1vs1 matches on specified maps. Members will have the opportunity to improve their rank using the Cane Ladder system (see Ladder Rules below).

The following are the ten ranks in increasing order from bottom up along with the rating system:
430 to 499
360 to 429
300 to 359
240 to 299
190 to 239 points
140 to 189 points
90 to 139 points
40 to 89 points
0 to 39 points
The Ladder rules and rating system are designed to facilitate the ranking system of Cane members and more importantly, to encourage activity and development of skill.

The rules are very straight forward. Only three requirements need to be met for a ladder match to be legitimate.

1. The map used can only be one of the following: B.net ladder maps, WGTour Ladder maps, or Cane Clan maps. However there may be exceptions to this rule.
2. There must be an observer present during the game, serving as a third party to assist in confirming a match in case of a dispute.
3. A replay must be saved and reported to one of the leaders.

The amount of points won or lost will be determined by your rank and your opponent's rank. The following is a summary of how much points one gains and loses, depending on their standing:

Opponent's rank:
5+ ranks higher
4 ranks higher
3 ranks higher
2 ranks higher
1 rank higher
Same rank
1 rank lower
2 ranks lower
3 ranks lower
4 ranks lower
5+ ranks lower
If you win:
+20 pts
+18 pts
+16 pts
+14 pts
+12 pts
+10 pts
+8 pts
+6 pts
+4 pts
+2 pts
+1 pt
If you lose:
-0 pts
-1 pt
-2 pts
-3 pts
-4 pts
-5 pts
-6 pts
-7 pts
-8 pts
-9 pts
-10 pts

The Ladder will be updated in the Ladder page.
Members will be awarded with medals. A member can get an award in the following ways:
»Master of Terran. If a Leader sees that the member is good with Terran, the member will be given a medal.
»Master of Zerg. If a Leader sees that the member is good with Zerg, the member will be given a medal.
»Master of Protoss. If a Leader sees that the member is good with Protoss, the member will be given a medal.
»Major. If a member reaches the fourth highest rank of "Major" the member will be awarded with a medal.
»Colonel. If a member reaches the third highest rank of "Colonel" the member will be awarded with a medal.
»General. If a member reaches the second highest rank of "General" the member will be awarded with a medal.
»Admiral. If a member reaches the highest rank of "Admiral" the member will be awarded with a medal.
»Tournaments. Whenever there's a clan tournament, the prize will be a medal. There will be a different medal for each tournament.
»Wins. Members will be awarded for having a specific amount of wins (i.e. 100 wins, 200 wins etc.).

Tournaments are games involving many members where in the end the winner(s) are awarded a medal. The number of members a tournament must have varies depending on the number of members currently in the clan.
There will be different types of tournaments including:
»5-8 player ffa, depending if there are spectators or not.
»1vs1 playoffs; where each game is played between 2 players and as players win they move up in brackets until a champion is found.
»2vs2 playoffs; where each game is played between 2 teams of 2 players and as teams win they move up in brackets until 1 team is left.
If it is discovered in a replay that a player or team cheated in a tournament by either forming an illegal alliance or breaking any rules that have been set in the game, the tournament game will be canceled and any medals awarded to the cheating party will be taken away.
Playoff Tournaments will be announced in Instant News and/or in Forum if they will be held. There will be also a post in the Forum where players can sign up. The date of the tournament must be agreed by a significant number of members for it to be held. These Tournaments with multiple games will be organized in brackets. The organized tournament will be posted on the Tournaments page and the winners of each round will move on to the next until a winner is determined. The matches will be selected with respect to player Ranks or order by which the players sign up of for the Tournament.
There is only 1 clan recruiter. That means that this is the member with the special rank of being recruiter and is therefore the only member that can recruit people. There will be exceptions of course depending on the situation. Also the recruiter can only recruit at most 2 people per week to avoid confusion. Any new recruitees must be reported to one of the clan leaders as soon as possible so the clan member can be approved or disapproved. Of course there will be exceptions to these rules that will only be made by clan leaders if the situations call for them.

Last updated: 01/20/04
Copyright 2004 © Cane

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