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•••Join Cane••
The following is an outline for the procedure one must take in order to be considered for membership:

¤ Come to the channel Op ClanCane on U.S. East.

¤ State who you are, meaning how you heard of the clan, who if anyone that you know personally in the clan, and any former accounts that you had.

¤ Then you will be first tested simply through conversation. If after talking to either CoeCane, DoomCane, (0)zorCane, or BattleCane (Leader/Leader/Co-Leader/Co-Leader respectively) you are considered easy to get along with, you will be able to stay in the channel and be invited back.

¤ If we find it necessary, we may test you for skill, but that is not top priority.

¤ After being approved you will choose a Cane name, which is simply adding "Cane" to the end of a name.

¤ Then on you will have 1 week, or whenever the Leaders think it's necessary, to prove to us that you're not retarted (this is where many have failed before). For that time you will be given the rank of Recruit, and you will not be able to participate in most of the clan events (such as Cane Ladder or Tournaments).

Anyone who is a personal friend of a current member, or a long term fellow gamer will be addressed differently and with less suspicion. The procedure above may or may not be carried out systematically. Depending on the circumstances, the Leaders or Co-Leaders may wish to test the individual in an arbitrary way.

If CoeCane or DoomCane have approved you as a member, you will be recorded into the clan and given a rank. But this by no means permanent membership. Any misbehaviour further down the road may lead to banishment.

Last updated: 01/20/04
Copyright 2004 © Cane
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws

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