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Speakeasy! DevastatingThree's Domain [banner and logo] speakeasy [noun] 1. an establishment selling alcoholic beverages illegally; 2. watering hole for creative minds, armchair philosophers and innate geniuses 3. official website of DevastatingThree
John Andrew Agbay
Be free from college stress with just few dollars

Hello there fellow college net-izens. Secret de College Inc., the Philippines' best producer of products designed for a stress-free college life is now online. In our first web advertisement, we want you to enjoy college life and handle all its pressures. That is why we are providing you with four tips on how to manage all those academics, extra-curricular, and other pressures. If you feel you need one or all of the following, just click on the link to order. You can also click on the particular product you want, to go to a link where you can order that product. If you are not satisfied or the product is not effective to you, we will return your money! Guaranteed! Have a fun time shopping!

Urban Survival Mood Shifter taken from FHM We know you are very pressured reviewing for exams, doing your papers, craming for your thesis, or in performing your duties as an organization member. What we can say is just relax, do your work one at a time and take the Urban Survival Mood Shifter. This will surely make you calm and rejuvenate. You will always be in the mood to work without pressure through this product. Cost: $5. If you need this product, order now!

Bath and Body Oil by Earth TherapeuticsIf you are stressed by a really hot and tiring day, then you just need to take a bath and add the Earth Therapeutic Bath and Body Lotion in your water. This will surely refreshens your feeling and you will always be in the mood to do anything. Cost: $9. I want this!

Aromatherapy Oils by BloomLie down for a while and apply Amotherapy oils in your forehead. These come in three moods: Relaxing (gives you an easy, relax feeling); Chill out (provides a refreshed feeling); and Energy (gives you added energy to perform all things you need to do). Through this product, you can handle all college pressures with a smile. Cost: $15 (three bottles). I like this one!

H2OAcne Spot Treatment by SkincareLastly, do not forget to make yourself look presentable. If you have a big pimple, use H2OAcne Spot Treatment. This is an effective solution to this and other face problems plus you will look five years younger when you use this product. I'm ordering this product.

So what are you waiting for, ORDER NOW!

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Allyn V. Baldemor; Reinier Dungca; John Andrew Agbay.
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
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