Charlie gets it right? Surely not?

Full story ---->

Prince was caught by his mother strolling through the corridors of Windsor palace humming to "I just can't wait to be king". "Hakuna mattata Mother. Does one fancy a trip to the zoo? I hear they've got a new hyena exhibit open"

Too many chiefs, not enough Indians?

Concord, again.

Almost news as the concord is almost finished and almost on display to the public: The story of the famous plane being displayed in a museum:

  • when it was disassembled for transport.

  • when it set off.

  • when it arrived.

  • when the wings were attached.

  • when it was almost completed.

Another slow news day was in effect.  Expect news of when it goes on display next week.

Circumnavigating female sailor does it single handedly ('cos she ain't much of a looker)  again.

Expect similar degree of coverage when...

  • She's ahead of schedule

  • She's behind schedule.

  • Eventful stormy day

  • Uneventful calm day

  • When she's a third of the way, halfway, and incremental percentages until we all wish she would sink so that we don't have to hear about it.

Sheridan: true to the cause, almost.

Tommy Sheridan leader of the Scottish socialist party resigned last week, one of the few principled politicians left. However his contribution to the cause was scuppered by a combination of naivety and a prejudice against his working class accent. He nobly took a self imposed wage cap, and could relate brilliantly to everyone apart from the people he needed to persuade the most: the middle class.

Preaching socialism to the unemployed doesn't do wonders for either improving social justice, or changing public opinion. The situation has become polarised into the "huvs and the huvneys". An actual quote that demonstrates the feelings of at least a portion of a certain demographic:

"ma mammy said ah didn't huv tae pai cooncil tax, cuz Tommy Sheridan told hur".

Rightly or wrongly, this made many hard working tax payers feel that a section of society wasn't pulling its weight; thus they were even less likely to support a socialist agenda. Only a strong economic downturn would allow this approach to attract anyone other than fringe voters. Perhaps this will change with Sheridan gone, but it's doubtful. It's ironic that the vast majority of socialist movements have been started by well-to-do people from the middle class such as the much revered, silver spoon fed, "Che", but put into the social context, it's the only way that change could be brought about.

An East German socialist once declared that I should buy him a drink for "the cause". However like overly supportive parents, socialism is good for creating a safe and just environment, but a free luncheon voucher for those who miss the point, or insist on taking the piss. Free love for the randy MP who didn't want to 'fess up to his wife came at quite a price. If you want to make a change; try preaching socialist philosophy to those who it doesn't benefit individually. I'm not holding my breath on getting a beer back in return, but stranger things have happened.

Science bit; concentrate.

Staring at the sun causes retina damage.
Staring at The Sun causes cerebral damage.


Pioneering plastic surgeon dies aged 87. "Thanks for the mammaries"

Retentive corner: A-expulsive.

You can say anally retentive, or anal-retentive. However you if you were to say anal retentive without the hyphen, you'd be grammatically incorrect.


In use by the smug for over a decade, it emerged yesterday that TLA, or "three letter acronym", isn't actually a TLA. The technicality exists that an acronym is an initialisation which is has to be pronounceable; such as SCUBA, LASER or NASA.  TLA is simply an initialisation, a "Three Letter Initialisation" or TLI ; a technique of abbreviation first invented by lazy headstone engravers.

Scientific tests with blind monkeys help prove the "Monkey see, monkey do" theorem, but refute the "Monkeys always look" hypothesis.

Murder suspect: not a very nice guy

Shock horror: horribly murdered murder victim smoked cannabis and so did her boyfriend; the main suspect of the investigation. Both killer and victim were using illicit drugs; that's right- drugs that aren't legal. The law abiding jury's decision not influenced by any mention of tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking prescription drug popping. The next day, the local news reported on how he cheated on girlfriend...that decides it; he must be a murderer.

The mention of the defendant being found to carry a knife, and the co-defendant changing his appearance unexplainably after the crime seems far more relevant, than the current character assassinations elements that are being focused on by the media. He was found with his dead girlfriend's DNA on him: It would be more unusual if it wasn't there. A witness who saw a picture of the accused in the paper before he/she recognised him? Is that "believable testimony"? The accused calling the talking clock to try and form an alibi, and the mother having a little bonfire of evidence suggest he probably did it.

Give me some forensics, some eyewitness reports; no matter what my personal feeling on the innocence or otherwise of the suspects; a fair trail and fair media coverage must be given to all. An emotive, media influenced trial is no excuse for a lack of proof and is no way to serve justice.

not not proven?

New Labour renamed "Nu-Labour" to appeal to the youth vote.

Monday C4. 23:00: Controversy ahoy.

I Won't Marry White?

Another channel 4 program addressing the difficulties of cultural integration; this time in the Asian community. However, the main crux of the issue was "If my mum and dad cared that I married a white....would I act to please them?" (Heck no! )

A combination of generalisations and specific examples, none of which tackled the crux of the matter affecting mixed race couples- addressing the prejudices of both sets of parents. Why is such an un-PC opinion tolerated by some minorities, but not in the majority? Would a program with the equal and opposite title even be broadcast? Any generalisations made were unhelpful, adding to or trying to excuse or compensate for pre-existing stereotypes of both Asians and whites. The whole program was a non event, with the conclusions made utterly transparent. People are different, some are better suited to each other than others, sometimes they're the same race, sometimes not. Really?? Would an oppositely titled program be appropriate? Are any racially imposed limitations acceptable in this day and age?

The only controversial, challenging thing in the whole program was the stupidly inappropriate is unfortunately becoming the trend on the forth channel.

World's 2nd oldest man experiences mixed emotions upon hearing about world's oldest man's pneumonia.

Re-invention of the language.

man 1. wit?
man 2. what??
man 1. wit did you say?
man 2. what??
man 1. WIT did you say?
man 2. ah....wit! Well.... "wit" I was saying's rather loud in here.

HRH broadcast bigs up the UK massif.

23rd November. A party political broadcast masquerading under the title "The Queens speech broadcast" told Britain-to be proud. We've got less unemployment than Germany, higher GDP than Italy, lower crime rates than the USA; a thriving vibrant hub of life; the place to be. Britain isn't just fish 'n' chips and Barbara Windsor's tits, it's so much more than that. We've got a natural right to think we're better than everyone else; smarter than the yanks, more cultured than the Ozzies, a secure little island, which isn't, God forbid, France.

Strategically placed black kids for added emphasis of the friendly, integrated Nu-Britain.

I'm primarily proud of my own achievements & those of people I know personally. Being proud of conceptual groups like "nationality" "race" and "religion", just leads to biases which I feel are counterproductive. It makes it difficult to examine a situation rationally and come to an informed decision when you've got a vested interest. An effective tool to create loyalty, and an "us and them" mentality, as used so effectively in the abroad. Why should I take pride in the achievements of the British more so than those of anyone else?

Why would the government dedicate a broadcast to instil this sense of identity on the viewers? They want us to feel patriotic, and want to do everything to protect our nation; including not vote for the wrong party. It's a very American tactic; patriotic voting.

Is it any co-incidence that they announce plans to introduce a series of bills which infringe on civil liberties at the exact same time? From big brother Blair's ID cards, to the home secretaries ability to hold (foreign*) citizens with no charge. This nation needs to wake up and smell the ever-so-British cup of tea.

*If it's for "our own security and benefit" that foreigners can be held without why not nationals?

Aren't you glad you signed up to that

Job search results: Graduate, IT / Engineering. 

Dear Mr <insert first name here>


Job 1: Abu Dhabi. Sell your soul to the devil working to help pump Arabian black gold. Risk getting shot at for big buck$, tax free.

Job 2: (as we see you have graduated in 2001, we are happy to offer you this job that is exactly as you want it; great pay, benefits, nice location) 10 years industry experience required.

Job 3: It is essential that you have excellent A-level grades and a 2:1 minimum form an oxbridge university. (The high qualifications the job required are not reflected in the advertisement- so you convince yourself that job was rubbish and you didn't want it anyway)

<list continues with a list of amazing opportunities; 2/3 month contracts; jobs for college leavers with wages to match, jobs in London where the pay wouldn't cover the rent of a cardboard box. Jobs asking for PhDs (since every Tom, Dick and Harry has a degree now)>


2nd email in the inbox read:

Want to give yourself an unfair advantage of getting this and other great jobs?

Now you can improve YOUR chances of getting a new job. From full career management to upgrading & re-writing your CV/Resume (only £5.95/$8) Go to to see how we can help you.


Fascinating croc catching documentary ends 1 hour later with disappointing lack of crocodiles.

A  documentary shown recently on C4 featured reptile experts and zoologists who went to Lake Tanganyika. Why? In the last couple of years over 200 locals had disappeared from in and around the water where a massive crocodile lived (a fact that couldn't be dismissed as coincidental). The documentary covered the experts along with the locals and their attempt to capture and re-home the giant man eating croc (which also had a sweet tooth for women, children and household pets). A boat trip on one of the rivers running into the lake was filmed and tantalising footage of the monster was taken with a telescopic lens. The experts calculated it to be 6 meters long; some serious firepower would be required to take it out, but they weren't going to kill it. Oh no. They were going to capture the beast!

The tension mounted steadily during the program as an enclosure was built, along with a huge metal cage, carried it several miles to a good spot in the river, baited it with a goat and waited. Night vision cameras were set up giving atmospheric footage of the terrified goat. They waited...and waited. The viewers waited and waited. The experts ran out of time and money; caught the next plane home. On reflection program lasted an hour during which nothing actually happened. No clue or explanation of what happened as the entourage apparently left the grateful villagers as they found them, along with the man-eating croc.


Historical headlines: Warning: summer is hot.

30th July 2004: The early evening New's number two story was "midsummer weather is hot". The four minute segment gave a prediction of expected (27C) temperatures and such useful tips as "open a window" and "have something to drink". The reporter was standing on the beach, in the sun, to give visual impetus to the story. Journalism is a serious business, but we do love to be beside the seaside. A warning was given to those with illnesses affected by the heat; that you may feel ill, because of the heat. Just in case you didn't know: be wary- the sun is hot.

Next a four minute segment on how the roads might be busy during a sunny bank holiday weekend and how caravans should probably travel in the slow lane. Again a reporter was on the scene to deliver some interviews with people affected by slow caravans, and a reporter standing in front of a road, in case you didn't know what one looked like.

National and international news? The half hour time slot contained: a minute of introduction, a minute of round up, three minute advertisement break, 3 minute look at tomorrow's headlines in the "newspapers" then a minute for the short "and finally" story. At the end of the timeslot; a two minute weather report (ironically sponsored by a carbon emitting power generation company). Take away the time for the additional "summer is hot" and "roads are busy" items, and you've less than quarter of an hour dedicated to the actual news stories for an entire planet.

Confessions of a food snob

Last night local twenty-something cooked himself dinner. Some gnocchi di patate (the potato and durum wheat flour dumplings, the type made without egg) boiled for 4 minutes until they started to rise and fall in the simmering water. Next the now fluffy dumplings were fried in a mixture of olive oil and vinegar (Italian, naturally enough) whilst preparing the sauce. The piquant bolognaise has a tomato base, livened with a tuna, itself spiced with garlic and peppers,  drained of oil and added to the salsa. (Rio Mare "pepperocino e aglio" unfortunately not available in the UK; pre-packed with the seasoning; it's not only convenient, but the flavours
infuse delightfully within the can), Once the gnocchi are golden brown, add them to the sauce and enjoy. One packet serves two, or one rather greedy twenty something, whose father commented on the developing jowls only yesterday.

He laughs at those who subsist on burger and chips,  considering  "they raisin hings" a delicacy; then takes equal distain at those who buy chestnut roasters and organic shimeji mushrooms. He pursed his lips, blew a raspberry and tossed the Sunday magazine onto a chair. It's all trivial; testament to the society we live in that people get caught up on the minutiae of what to wear, what to eat, which vase to buy, where to be seen. Guilty as charged; the human is a most sociable of beasts, but he couldn't help thinking... wouldn't it be nice to be above all that?

Democratic decision an affront to democracy.

This can be said to be true with an uninformed, ill-educated electorate.
However, an emotive argument requires logical examination, and it appears the pro-hunt lobby can't see the woods for the trees. By claiming "an attack on cultural diversity" is a shame faced attempt to encourage support by suggesting oppression, and it doesn't wash. "your minority group could be next!!". It's just a class prejudice that townies have against country folk? Huntingisawayoflife? Are you tribes people who subsist on fox meat? And my traditional urban boyhood pursuit of cat hunting is banned because it's not traditional and doesn't employ anyone? The point isn't that "we the voters" don't know about hunting being a way of life, a tradition, a sport, acceptable interest to a group of people, and a livelihood to many. "Hundreds and thousands" said one local, although one suspects he's a baker.

It's irrelevant when the overriding issue is one of cruelty. Chasing a artificial scent trail would keep the hounds in business, but not satisfy any blood lust. Christians make do with wine and wafers, why don't they make do with an aniseed rag? I'm quite sure that a cruelty free hunt could even be marketed as an appealing day out for town folk. Showing civilised pictures of horse and hound may be the "business end" of the hunt for the farmer or the Ferrier, but the "ends" of the whole business is something they'd rather you didn't see, talk about or pay any mind to whatsoever.

When slavery was being abolished there were similar economic arguments from the boat owners, slave drivers, slave traders and cotton growers. Hopefully looking back, the "oppressed minority" who think that chasing down and ripping apart wildlife with dogs is justifiable, will realise that barbarity towards animals is another relic that should be consigned to history. Respecting democracy is about recognising and accepting the public will as law.

Mr John Holiday denies having the free will to act sensibly "we're being made extremists". Which almost sounded like a threat to try to intimidate government and public opinion "or else". Very apt in today's socio-political climate. The group interviewed in the pub made it very clear "my friends might..." an attempt to distance themselves. An attempt to intimidate the government with a threat of disruption; and the general public; costing the taxpayer money, because they didn't get their way. Threats of civil disobedience rather than actual terrorism may seem like tantrum toddler behaviour, however it demonstrates the same self righteous presumption that, in their special case, "alternative" or "direct" action is an acceptable course. This is equally true of "minority" groups at both extremes of the animal welfare argument, and is becoming more and more the done thing.

It's tantamount to piracy; demanding action or else, and particularly distasteful when public servants hold the country to ransom. Civil disobedience isn't just what Americans would call "unpatriotic". That, of course is a whole other argument, and whatever your personal feelings on any issue, it seems the general rule is: any group having to resort to "alternative" action is almost guaranteed to be on the loosing side.

The best solution to the problem: if these foxes are such a problem to farmers; humanely cull every single last one of them, so that these bastards can't get their sick thrills.

Say no to Bullying, really?

22nd Nov. Radio 1

DJ Chris Moyles puts his full weight behind the latest "Say No to bullying" campaign. On the same day he spent most of of breakfast show mocking Janet Street-Porter for her buck teeth and accent. Perfectly appropriate, and definitely not an example of the kind of thing a bully would do.

No matter whether you think she deserves criticism or not, picking on someone for their intrinsic being, rather than something they've said or done, is not constructive behaviour. You say she deserves it...isn't it possible for any bully to justify themselves with that?
perhaps those who get bullying deserve it?
Does that make it ok?

Man buys jazz mag  because he was too embarrassed to buy lad mag "they're so tacky, I really didn't want to shame myself by purchasing one... you won't find me sitting about with my "Nuts" out.

Singer "blessed" by cancer.

Possibly fatal disease invaluable at demonstrating value of life.

Fortunate? If only we all could be so lucky. (Then again, we've got the cursed "ageing" condition which kills all it's sufferers.)

Crime: now illegal.

Shock government announcement stuns burglars, rapists & murders.

Mohammed Ali: great at boxing. Shit at "Buckaroo".

Erickson's scoring record better than 2nd striker Michael Owen.

Contrary opinions...

Don't reduce the number of Scottish regiments or the number of soldiers...but whatever you do; don't send them into a war - it could be dangerous.

Seller misses point of auction with "buy one get one free" offer.

Porn watching youth, discovers something to his & his parents' horror even more disgusting on the channel he just switched to.

Children banned from doing potentially stupid things which only responsible adults are allowed to decide aren't stupid things to do.

What does "ay carumba" mean anyway? exclaims child.

Pizza: invented before the discovery of America, yet 20% of Americans think that they invented it. Even more think they invented the motorcar, but a certain Mr Benz would have something to say about that.

Does nobody notice?

Animated chef with faux-French accent sells German branded cooking sauce.

This doesn't taste like tomato soup...

German cannibals: bringing fresh meaning to eating Heinz.

Am I rambling or do you just have a short attention span? asks rambler, but you didn't notice.

Sunday Papers Turd review: 21st November

Another Damien Hurst piece, a political statement, or simply a good dump? The lack of sweet corn was most notable feature of this seven inch masterpiece. I give it 8.5/10

Man talking to the bathroom mirror about his motions should worry less about bowel disorders, more about schizophrenia.

hey you, check your poo.

As profits drop, old McDonalds girls told: Shape up or ship out.

Above: Bubbly Samantha, "larger than life" Becka, & "great personality" Jillian.

I'm loathing it.

Aggie and Maggie ruin Tracy Emin's latest exhibit in cleaning frenzie.

Messy bed no more

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