Fan Art

Well right now i have a few fanarts but not much
So well what I ask you, is if you know any one who has cool fan arts of Sephiroth,
or other Final Fantasy VII related.
If i like it enough to send it to me, than send it to me! ^_^
But bear in mind, that I do not
support hentai drawings or yaoi drawings.
Please do not send me those types
In the meantime, I will hunt down some art on line and email the
artist asking if I can use the pic.
By Dark Sephirothia
FF7 Park
a picture that is a parody of South Park

Sephiroth Picture
my first Sephy art!

Another Sephiroth art
My second Sephiroth art

By Jenova
My favorite art of Hojo that I've ever seen!

Sephiroth and Jenova
Sephiroth holding Jenova's head

By "Reno"
Sephy Kills Cloud
Cloud and Sephiroth Take a Test
Sephiroth gives Cloud a birthday gift

Barret's Mistake
Whoops, Barret did something stupid

Cloud and the Turks
Cloud being a retard.

Cloud and Sephiroth
Cloud is being a retard again.

Rude ditches a Fangirl
The fangirl is after Rude again This time its with "Reno" portraying it
(With my permission to use the fangirl idea).

By Authors Unknown
These fan arts are so beautiful, ya know? But I do not know who has done em,
because they were either from Kazaa or someone has given them to me
and they don't know where they came from. But they look nice, no?
Sephiroth looks like a kid here

Sephiroth's Sword
Sephiroth wields a sword.

Sephiroth Drawing
Sephiroth in pencil drawing, half colored.
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