Why Sephiroth??

Some of you are probably wondering
"Why Sephiroth?" Why is he your favorite?
What's so great about him anyway?
This is why I added on this section.
and since half of you who are visiting
are probably Sephiroth's fans as well,
why don't you email me a list of 10 reasons
why YOU like Sephiroth>
I leave all the lists in their original form
Unless it has swearing
I want to have a "rated G" site ^_^

10 Reasons Why We Like Sephiroth

By Dark Sephirothia

1. Its all in the clothes. The outfit contributes to the overall "cool" look to a video game character.

2. That Masamune. What's not to like about his 7 ft. sword?
It's bound to strike terror in the hearts of his enemies
Plus it adds to the overall "cool" look to a video game character!

3. Its the hair. He can do all sorts of activities and the hair still looks great!

4. His theme song, "One Winged Angel" rocks!!

5. Oh My God, He Killed Aeris!! Go Sephiroth!

6. Unlike other villains, he's got likable features.
(He's not scary looking like Ganondorf)
and it adds to the overall "cool" of a video game character.

7. He's better than Cloud and Cloud knows it.

8. He's got that "Don't Mess With Me" attitude

9. He's a top ranking Soldier

10. He's happens to look cool in all of his screenshots!
Its rare to find a character that looks cool in every screenshot.
and that just adds to the overall "cool" in a video game character!!!

By Diamond Weapon

1: he's got really cut eyes.

2: he's the best bad guy ever!

3: he's a god.

4: his hair.

5: the way he dressed

6: he's really powerfull

7: he's gorgeouse

8:he's first class in shinra

9: he try's to kill everyone

10: he cuts of his mothers head!

By Seiferoth

1)He kicks * * *

2)He has cool hair

3)Good dress sense

4)Weilds a big sword (Which i like)

5)He can fly

6)He's Mysterious

7)He's a hero (at heart)

8) He kicks * * *

9)he kicks * * *

10)he kicks * * *

By Dark Sephichu

1. He's so much cooler than I

2. He burns down Nibelheim

3. He likes black (and its my fave too!)

4. He has a COOL Masamune!

5. He's a villain

6. He's not afraid to get made fun of by his hair

7. He has a COOL theme song!

8. He KILLS Aeris!

9. He killed Tifa's idiotic father

10. He killed a lot of other stupid cretins in Nibelheim

By Spot646

1. Silver Hair will never go out of style

2. Sephiroth has almost every letter from my first name

3. Him and Cloud are such "close" friends

4. Killed Aaron Carter

5. Can fly through walls

6. Can fly period

7. Reminds me of Santa

8. Fire is pretty

9. Removes those little anoyences in our lives (only kidding)

10. The sword, simple but oh so sweet

By Brooke Star'sz are Kool

1. He's cute

2. He wears kool clothes

3. I like his eyes

4. He's kool!

5. He's got a kool name

6. He's a kool character in the game

7. I like his theme song beat

8. He's got neat-o pictures

9. His hair is silvery kool

10. He plays a good role in the game

By Pyrika

1) his coolio long hair

2) his coolio silver hair

3) his evil personality

4) his pretty blue-green eyes

5) his very lethal sword

6) his sexy armor

7) the fact that he killed Aris

8) the fact that he has only one wing, and he doesn't seem unbalenced

9) His sexy chest with no hair, that you can see through his armor

10) the fact that his bangs can dify gravity for about half the way, then just fall into they're sexy place

By Deus Tantus

1. He is the master of the masamune

2. He just looks awesome

3. He hardly talks

4. Intimidation

5. Nice hair

6. Awesome clothes

7. Stylin'

8. Very powerful

9. Strikes fear in the hearts of the weak

10. Is determined to KILL!!!

By *Ryoko*

1. Sephiroth is hot *drool*

2. when he has his shirt off. .. *.* hes even hotter

3. i think he looks kewl when he kills stuff

4. i loved that scene with him and jenova

5. he looks hot all the time

6. his outfit makes him cute

7. hes proud of what he does

8. he looks so cute when he has an evil grin

9. he is so fine

10. i like how he walks into flames

By mysticalcheetahh

1) He's handsome

2) He's first in his shinra group

3) He's got ambition

4) He's got some Jenova in him!

5) He's hot

6) He's evil

7) He's the greatst villain of all Final Fantasys

8) He has that cool sword

9) He isn't a player like cloud is

10) His eyes make him a total hunk

By Raikoko

1. He's cool

2. He wasn't afraid of anyone

3. He was loyal to Jenova

4. His personality is really kewl

5. His hair is long and pretty

6. His quote "what i have shown you is relity what you rember that is the illusion" is a great quote

7. His theme song One Winged Angel

8. he's got more hype than cloud

9. Sephy could kill sadam hussen

10. Sephiroth is a kewl name

By One-Winged_Angel

1. He's just plain cool

2. He Kills Aeris!! I never really liked her. . .

3. He can screw with your head and take control over you!

4. During the Nibelheim memory sequence you notice how strong Sephiroth really is and how much of a wuss Cloud is!! (HE DIES IN 1 HIT!!)

5. He has this weird way of talking which can confuse the **** outta you

6. Look at 2

7. His hair looks pretty cool too

8. His materia in the Nibelhiem memory sequence is sooo strong!! you know how long it took me to get it to that level?!?!

9. He managed to do a lot more than most "bad guy" villains have in a video game

10. His One-Winged Angel theme song has to be the most EVILEST theme out there!! just look at the lyrics!

By Nayoshiizima

1. His Main Evil Theme is sweet!

2. His One Winged Angel theme is sweeter

3. His leather jacket! oooh i want one

4. he hates cloud

5. he has fire powers! fire power in games rule!!

6. he got me an A in writing class (my teacher LOVED my short story bout him)

7. hes not a lameo like cloud

8. doesn't have facial hair. facial hair is gross on guys!

9. he's a great warrior

10. he's really POWERFULLL!!

By Scot

1. He's cool

2. He's the villan...and he's good at it

3. stylish can't go wrong with black...

4. grey hair...

5. and he has a sword

6. he has a castle if i'm corect in saying

7. he's the speical char in FF7

8. he's popular

9. he could kick the **** outta me

10. he speaks in text

By Passing Tiger

1. He's one probably the only person who can make gray hair look good.

2. I like the sword

3. He starts with master materia

4. doesn't have regrets about being evil

5. he's the strong but silent type.

6. How he flies. It's weird.

7. Did I mention no regrets? That's important for a villain!

8. He accepts who he is. That's deep.

9. He can interact with people when he needs to. A helpful trait in your good villain.

10. I like how he manipulates Cloud.

By DTKobra

1. Masamune, i mean come on how bad is that

2. Magic up the wazoo

3. Impecable dresser

4. Long hair is coming back

5. has black materia

6. should be in a metal band haha

7. toyed with cloud and the party

8. is a hero

9. killed areis

10. is the shizznit.

By Scottiroth

1. The FMV sequence of him walking into the fire = love at first sight

2. He looks ELITE

3. He plays cloud like a puppet, WICKED COOL!

4. Him killing Aeris was one of the coolest things ive ever seen a villain do

5. He's a tragic villain, you hate him and love him at the same time!

6. Saviour Sephiroth (safer sephiroth) is the coolest form of a boss ever

7. His theme music is great!!

8. He has a 7 foot long sword, how can you not respect that

9. I was scared to face him the first time, first time thats ever happened O_O

10. The Sephiroth - Jenova interrelationship is still debated about, noone can figure it out, so that = mystique to his persona!

By Julien

Why is Sephiroth the coolest villain in any known video game?

10) Sephiroth - The divine name of creation in ancient Judaist Mythology. A name that strikes mystique, enigma, and an unknown resonance of power into any so-lucky beholder. A powerful and mysterious name is the first cardinal attribute in developing the perfect villain. Check.

9) Masamune, 6 feet of sudden and inexplicable death. Where did it come from? A victim might ask, were he alive to ask it. Elegant and sleek, powerful and brandishing an uncanny level of mystery within itself makes the Masamune like a character of its own.

8) One-Winged Angel. I always wanted to get Elliot to play it on DC-101 but all I got was a "Huh? One-da-whanow?" Didn't work out too well. But it adds to and compliments the character and all-around enigma that is Sephiroth.

7) His cut-scenes seemed to have been made with love, it was as if the makers of the video game couldn't bear the thought of Sephiroth ever looking anything less than of beauty's perfection.

6) Contrary to popular belief, his relationship with Cloud wasn't wrought of hatred, rather a curiosity and bemusement. He used Cloud to his ends, and found himself more than once in a position to do away with his future-dispatcher. He must have developed a fondness of Cloud which would explain why he let his self lose to him in the end. Honestly? Do you really think Ruby Weapon is tougher than Sephiroth? Honestly! - I think Kingdom Hearts summed that up very nicely.

5) He raised the bar for villainry in all subsequent games. Every company began trying to get in on the platinum-hair action. Legend of Dragoon threw in a Sephirothian character named Lloyd who pretty much stole the game. Kuja, Seymour, Ansem and most other Square villains post-Sephiroth bore an uncanny resemblance to the perfect bad-guy-of-bad-guys. But none could ever, in the end, measure up.

4) Everything is still, all is quiet. Aeris is on her knees in prayer for a successful, and what would have been a wonderful conclusion. The sky lights up above them and amid the light darkness sweeps through, falling with cat-grace and unfathomable agility. As the darkness plummets a blade follows, darkness lands. The blade impales. Aeris collapses forward, still on her knees. Succumbing to the awe-inspiring power of the legendary blade and the notorious dark wielder. The most seductive cut-scene in video-game history, made in a time when the death of such characters happened as a rarity and only then as momentum. This instance though, shed light, or darkness if you prefer on the futility of Cloud's efforts and the swell of beauty that encompasses all that Sephiroth does.

3) Tremendous speed, and deceptively quick. His fighting style is entrancing to behold and even more-so if it is you who has to fight him. Defter still his blade streaks through the air, finding woe and misery's home in the chest or throat of the helpless victim. A grim reminder that life is fleeting, and the time of which it takes Sephiroth to take it is immeasurable by even the most modern of timepieces.

2) His heritage, wrought of mystery even to the very end. How he came to be and his role in the universe and life itself is so baffling that Square was completely to wrap it up in dialogue, giving people vague images and opaque guesswork as to who the man behind the Masamune really is.

1) What I loved most about Sephiroth was his all around persona, a countenance immutable. Eye fierce and keen. A man who knows what he wants to accomplish and accomplishes. Under the circumstances, knowing what I know about myself I would have done exactly as Sephiroth did, I would have set my sights on the same goals and carried them out with an exuded air of arrogance, sophistry, intellect, manipulation and an all-too-eager vendetta. He was wronged, he felt it in his heart. What's more he knew it. But in being wronged he was given a gift, a chance to make the wrongs right to him. To change the world in his image and bring forth a reign of utter insurpassibility. He could become akin to god himself, and none-less prominent. He set his aims and had the conviction to go through with them, no matter if there was a Spikey-headed blonde hot on his tail. All the same to great Sephiroth. His ends justify his means.

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