
Gothic Lolita Bible

Gosu Rori
What is Gothic & Lolita?

Gothic Lolita is a style commonly worn by Japanese teenagers. They usually wear Gothic Lolita clothing on the weekends, or when they go to concerts. It's similar to Victorian fashion, but with a few tweaks. Lots of lace, corsets, petticoats, parisols; things of that nature.

Teens that dress in the Lolita styles are usually quiet, shy, and polite. Their objective is to look and act like a doll. Dolls are associated with childhood, and childhood with innocence. Like some other Japanese customs, the Lolitas are there to put up an illusion.

Some of the more common "segments" of the Gothic & Lolita styles are as follows:

Cute/Sweet Lolita

Gothic Lolita

Gothic Aristocrat

Dandy Gothic

Wow. Could I have done any more of a half-assed job? Okay, maybe I could. But the point is, I didn't put any effort into explaining it, and I admit it. Just like most of the pages on this site say "I'll fix it when I have the time"... maybe.
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