Designer: Robert C. Dunehew E-mail [email protected]

Klingon quVbey' intelligence report.
All specifications are estimates unless otherwise indicated.
Star Fleet Intelligence (SFI) has given this report an 87% reliability rating.

General Specifications:

Length: 715m (Confirmed)
Width: 527.5m (Confirmed)
Height: 127.5m (Confirmed)
Max Warp: 9.8 (Observed)
Cruise: 9.35 (Claimed)
Max. Impulse: 0.96 lightspeed (Claimed)
Crew: 790 personnel (Estimated)

Armaments: Eight disruptors (2 fwd, 2 fwd/port, 2 fwd/stbd, 1 aft/port, 1 aft/stbd); four very heavy plasma torpedo launchers (3 fwd, 1 aft).

Type: Fast Cruiser

About Ship: The quVbeY' (Honor guard -- literally: "Display [of] Honor") is a very fast, well-armed cruiser produced by the Klingons beginning in 2378.

The quVbeY' is based on a design the Klingon Defense Force (KDF) created from a spaceframe captured from the Dominion, that had been, in turn, captured from the Romulans. The KDF liked the design (the Gull) enough that they started producing their own version (the baHwI), to the dismay of the Romulans. It performed so well, in fact, that they enlarged the design to cruiser size, creating the quVbeY'.

The quVbeY' has the dual role of scientific exploration and fast combat vessel. For a Klingon ship, the quVbeY' has extensive space dedicated to science labs. The quVbeY' is not as heavily armed for it's size as the baHwI', and is roughly equivalent to the Federation's Sovereign class starships in size and mission. Armament is slightly less than the Sovereign, but speed and maneuverability are similar.

Weaponry consists of eight disruptors, with two mounted beneath the command section with wide firing arcs, four mounted on the "shoulders" of the stardrive section, firing forward and to the sides, and two mounted aft under the "tail" of the stardrive section, covering the aft quarters of the vessel. The disruptors are supplemented by four plasma torpedo launchers of the heaviest sort currently in use by any KDF vessel. These launchers are designed to launch any torpedo currently in the KDF inventory.

The hull of the quVbeY' is covered with ablative armor and is well-shielded. Shield strength is roughly equivalent to Federation vessels of that size, and is equipped with automatic frequency rotation.

Starfleet gratefully acknowledges the cooperation and assistance of its counterparts in the Klingon Imperial Defense forces for providing much of the data regarding this vessel.

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