Designer: Robert C. Dunehew E-mail [email protected]

"Pterosaur" corvette intelligence report.
Star Fleet Intelligence (SFI) has given this report a 68% reliability rating.

General Specifications:

Length: 20m (Confirmed)
Width: 29.9m (Confirmed)
Height: 3.9m (Confirmed)
Max Warp: 9.1 (Estimated)
Cruise: 7.2 (Estimated)
Max. Impulse: .8 lightspeed (Estimated)
Crew: 1 officer, 12 enlisted (Estimated)

Armaments: None observed.

Type: Intelligence-gathering Corvette

About Ship: The Pterosaur corvette has only recently been encountered. First contact with the type occurred when Starfleet began testing the Strategic Mapping, Astrometric, Reconnaissance and Tactical Sensing (SMARTS) system near the Gorn frontier. At first, the sensor readings were interpreted as false images generated by errors in the SMARTS software. Repeated contacts were eventually resolved clearly enough to generate the image shown above.

The Pterosaur appears to be the most advanced Gorn vessel detected thus far. While not as swift as similar Federation designs, it is extroardinarily stealthy, and is most likely equipped with a multifunction phased array similar to the systems currently being deployed by the Federation. Sensor readings indicate that this vessel is equipped with a form of Phase-Inverting Multi-band Emission Suppression System (PIMESS), also similar to Federation designs. Federation Intelligence has not yet determined whether the Gorn system is a parallel development or the result of espionage.

Little is known about this design. Any Starfleet personnel encountering such a vessel are instructed to perform as complete a scan as possible without provoking a hostile reaction. Send all such scans to Starfleet Intelligence, c/o Fleet Operations, Sector 001, Sol System.

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