Designer: Robert C. Dunehew E-mail [email protected]

Romulan "Cormorant" intelligence report.
All specifications are estimates unless otherwise indicated.
Star Fleet Intelligence (SFI) has given this report a 65% reliability rating.

General Specifications:

Length: 747.5m (Confirmed)
Width: 442.5m (Confirmed)
Height: 90m (Confirmed)
Max Warp: 9.5 (estimated)
Cruise: 8.9 (observed)
Max. Impulse: 0.92 lightspeed (estimated)
Crew: 450-625 personnel (estimated)

Armaments: Four disruptors (dispostion unknown), Two plasma torpedo launchers (1 fwd, 1 aft, or both fwd).

Type: Fast cruiser

About Ship: The Cormorant (Romulan designation unknown) is a fast, heavy cruiser-sized vessel used by the Romulans since approximately 2355. The Cormorant's primary mission appears to be exploration, but it is quite heavily-armed for that mission. It's main virtues are speed and stealth. Presumably it supplements the limited numbers of D'deridex battleships in war, as well as exploring in peacetime.

The Cormorant is a very sleek design, and has been observed cruising as fast as warp 8.9 by long-ranged sensors. It is possible that the actual maximum cruise figure is somewhat higher, but is unlikely to be more than warp 9.1. Starfleet Intelligence (SFI) estimates the maximum emergency speed to be approximately warp 9.5.

The Cormorant is heavily-armed for a ship of its size, and is equipped with four of the same type disruptors used in the D'deridex battleship. Field of fire for these weapons is a complete sphere around the vessel, but it is not known where on the hull the emitters are mounted. The Cormorant also has two plasma torpedo launchers, firing forward, but it is unclear whether these are mounted in the main hull or the forward body of the vessel.

The Cormorant has only been detected on sensors a handful of times, but intelligence from within the Romulan Star Empire suggest that this is the workhorse of their fleet, and not the D'deridex, as previously supposed. It is a fast, capable ship, and will probably remain in service for the forseeable future.


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