Designer: Robert C. Dunehew E-mail [email protected]

"Bobcat" Destroyer intelligence report.
Star Fleet Intelligence (SFI) has given this report an 80% reliability rating.

General Specifications:

Length: 205.5m (Confirmed)
Width: 153.5m (Confirmed)
Height: 53.5m (Confirmed)
Max Warp: 6.7 (confirmed)
Cruise: 5.7
Max. Impulse: .51 lightspeed
Crew: 25 officers, 100 enlisted

Armaments: 5 lasers (4 fwd, 1 aft, later upgraded to disruptors), 20 missiles on individual launch racks in the spaceframe's "belly".

Type: Destroyer

About Ship: The Bobcat was a multirole vessel designed to perform combat and scientific missions equally well. Thus far, it is the only Klingon vessel positively identified as having a scientific or exploration role.

The Bobcat's launched missiles "down" from the ship's belly at low velocity. The missile would then orient on the target and ignite its main motor, a chemical rocket. Missile warheads were initially plasma generators, but were replaced with antimatter warheads before the last Smilodons were retired from service. A scientific instrument package could be substituted for an explosive warhead, turning the missile into a probe.

The Bobcat was a fairly agile design. It was commonly deployed alone for reconnaissance or scientific missions. For military and "diplomatic" missions, the Bobcat was usually part of a squadron of 3 or more vessels assigned to a cruiser, which might also be part of an even larger fleet.

Though production ceased over 120 years ago, with nearly 200 units produced, the Bobcat has remained in service to the present day. Upgraded and refit to current technological standards, Bobcats are no longer used in a combat role, but some are occasionally assigned to escort freight convoys. Most remaining Bobcats are used as scientific instrument platforms, basically performing the same tasks as the Federation's Oberth and Questor class science vessels.

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