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1999 | 2000 | 2001

July, 1998
This month I don't have a feis. I just learned that I will be moving into Open figures soon. That means that I will get a new dress for figure dancing. I can't wait!
I have been practicing for the next feis on August 16. I'm pretty nervous, because this will be my first time competing as a Novice. Email me to wish me luck!

August 16, 1998
Well, this was a decent feis. I ended up getting a first in traditional set, seconds in the reel, light jig, four-hand, and six-hand, and fourths in the single jig and two-hand. One absolutely great part of this feis was the fact that the venue was right on the water! Nice, cool breezes prevailed all day long. However, this was also bad. Everyone's curls were drooping! Another neat fact of the Comortas an Chosta Oir feis was that the champions were dancing indoors, so during some of my downtime, I was able to watch some really, REALLY good dancers.
Thanks to all of you who wished me luck! I actually ended up beating more than half of the other competitors for my slip jig. I was pretty pleased with that, my first time in Novice and everything. Well, I have another feis in just a few weeks, so keep the good luck flowing!

September 7, 1998
Well, this was a REALLY good feis! I got not one, not two, but FOUR first places! I'm pretty darn stoked still. My first two firsts were in Beg. I light jig and single jig. The feis committee had only posted the reels when I first checked, so I was happy to see that I tied for second. Then I saw my light jig and single jig! I was glad, but not too excited. I also got a fourth in St. Patrick's Day, which is sort of funny because I placed first in that last time, but didn't have enough time to move up for this feis.
Next, I was on to my Beg. II dances. I totally and completely messed up my hard jig. I did the first step all right, but then I did two different second steps. The right foot was the one I had meant to do, but the second, well, wasn't. I was still kicking myself (haha, bad pun) over my hard jig during the hornpipe, and I really don't remember anything else. I just assumed that I hadn't even gotten anything in that. I didn't even want to look at the results, but my mother went and looked anyway. She said that I had gotten first! I was so happy! I still can't believe it.
Then it was on to the figures. We didn't get anything in our three-hand, dang it all, but we did come in first in four-hand reel. I'm still not exactly sure how that happened, but if the judge liked us, then I'm not going to argue.
On the whole, this was a very, very good feis. It was my best yet. There were a few bad points about the feis itself. First off, the feis was organized so that Novice and above danced today, while beginners danced on Sunday. I only found this little fact out on Friday, so we had to scurry around rearranging schedules and hotel arrangements. Also, they only had two musicians, so at least one stage was almost always idle. Finally, they didn't give out trophies for first places. I know they don't give them out for figures, but think how cool it would have been to come home with three trophies! Oh well. My next feis isn't for quite a while. It's on October 10-11, so I'll have a nice long break in which to practice. Well, that's all for now.

September 25, 1998
This isn't a feis report, technically, but it's still really, really exciting news! Today, I went to my practice, same as always, and in the evening we practiced figures with our teacher Claire. I danced in an eight-hand, and since not all of the people who are in for the Oireachtas come to practice regularly(grr), I am used to filling in for absentees. I guess I should explain that it's sort of a running Kelly School joke to ask who someone "is" when they take a spot (i.e. if I take Jane Doe's spot, I am Jane Doe for the day). So I asked Claire who I was, and she replied, "I think you're yourself." I thought she was being sarcastic, but then it dawned on me. I'm going to the Oireachtas!!!! I'm so excited! This also means I have a real shot at being in my school's choreography, which is a major big deal. I really need to get that new school dress now. I am sublimely happy. I wouldn't trade this feeling for a hundred calorie-free creme brulees.

Oct. 10, 1998
This was a really, really good feis for me. I still can't quite believe it! True, the scheduling was the worst I have ever seen in my entire feis history, but I'm not bothered by that anymore.
Why don't I end the suspense and give you the whole results first and the details later? I just know that you're sitting on the edge of your seat with excitement. :^) Here's the rundown:
Reel: 0 Light jig: 2nd Slip jig(novice): 1st!!!! Single jig: 4th Hard jig: 0 Hornpipe(novice): 3rd Traditional set: 1st 2-hand: Honorable mention 3-hand: 0 4-hand: 1st
That's the short version; ready for more detail? I hope so, because that's what you're about to get!
We got to the feis thinking that we were running late because I was scheduled to dance in a half-hour, only to learn that I had been rescheduled to 12:30, two and a half hours later. We waited and waited and waited some more, then I danced about two hours after I was scheduled to dance. I did figures, which went all right except for the fact that one of the members of my three-hand went through the other team. Oops! After figures, I waited still more. One minor point of interest: during this waiting period, I nearly fainted. I was so hot or tired that I got all dizzy and I had to put my head between my knees. I've never understood how or why that works, but it seemed pretty effective.
Next were solos! I had been steeling myself against disappointment, since this would be my first time competing against all beg. 2's or above, but I did pretty well. The hard shoe dances were confusing because they were letting even us lowly beginners choose between slow and fast music, probably because novices were on at the same time. The hard jig music was soooo much faster than I'm used to! After beginner two, I zipped over to stage B for my novice slip jig and hornpipe. I kicked the stage divider on the slip jig, and I slightly messed up my step, but the judge either didn't notice or didn't care. I had to dance by myself for the hornpipe! I was missing beats right and left, too. After my last two dances, I waited for the last time of that feis for the results. I nearly fainted dead away (for the second time) when I saw my number in the first place column! How on earth could that be? I'm guessing dumb luck, plus the fact that I did a beginner two step intead of the novice ones. A simple step done well, as my teacher always says!
To sum up, this was the best feis I have ever had. I especially liked the fact that we had a quintet of musicians for our figures--accordion, banjo, guitar, fiddle, and piano. I must also mention the fact that I have never seen a feis more behind schedule, but, hey, if this feis liked me, then who am I to complain?

The Oireachtas!!!
This whole thing was kind of an anticlimax after the months of practicing. FYI, I didn't get on to my school's choreography. Anyway, I curled my hair the day before like always and tried to sleep. The next morning, my mom and I got up, packed up my brand new school dress, and headed out to Glendale.
When we arrived, my mom paid for entrance and we wandered around aimlessly until we saw a Kelly School mom, who kindly pointed us in the direction of the Kelly School hotel suite. Ooh! This was starting to look fun! We tramped upstairs and set our stuff down in the room. My mom took out my hair (and some curlers with it) and I got dressed. Both of the U13 ceili teams fit in that room, plus parents, siblings, and a really low chandelier. Claire or Carol--I forget which--galvanized us into a practice session, in which several people nearly bashed their heads on that low chandelier. Then, the whole room emptied as we all left to go compete.
Well, what can I say? I came, I danced my dance, I left. Nothing particularly interesting happened during the dance. The other team from my school got fifth, I think. At least I've been to the Oireachtas, right? I had a good time.

Dec. 12-13, 1998
This feis was my first out-of-state one. I was kind of disappointed in my performance, but maybe it was a necessary kick in the ego.
My mother, my little brother, my friend, her mother, and I all flew out together. Man, if you think spike curlers are embarrassing just driving to a feis, try going to an airport in them! We got to Arizona a few hours later. The flight wasn't too bad, as flights go.
We checked into our hotel (I love hotels!) and drifted off. The next day dawned bright, clear, and COLD as anything! Brrrrr! We could see steam rising from the pool! The venue was pretty nice, and the whole atmosphere of the feis was very friendly. We separated my curls for the first time at this feis, and I liked the way they turned out. I did my beginner 2 dances on Saturday--reel, light lig, single jig, and hard jig. I didn't really do spectacularly, with a third in my reel (though I didn't know about that until I got the points a month or two later), a second in light jig, a third in the single jig, and nothing in my hard jig. I was pretty bummed. We returned to the hotel, ate some Marie Callendar's pie (chocolate satin, mmmm...), and went back to sleep.
I didn't fare much better the second day, with a third in my hornpipe, nothing in my set, and a fourth in my two-hand (out of four) and second in three-hand (out of two). So, better luck next time!

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