A Mind Control Incident in Ohio:
An Exposé of the Foremost Threat
to Human Rights of Our Day—

The following events took place in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, continuously from the year 1973 to the present. They constituted a real life Nightmare on Elm Street for this author (the victim of an awful organized criminal conspiracy). It was important to bring this incident to public attention because it revealed a new technology which constitutes a threat to freedom and democracy wherever they exist to an extent which must not be ignored. It is in the hands of vicious organized criminal cliques who represent a major threat to the health and safety of everyone on the planet. This is truly usage of the Internet as its founders at DARPA intended it--as a nerve network for the common defense. You are not being told the truth by the U.S. government or controlled news media, who maintain a solid smokescreen while maintaining a defacto totalitarian system. Vicious criminal elements have committed atrocious violations against the human rights of their victims, and there is little chance of them ever being brought to justice or light because of the fleecing of the public. When such strong deterministic forces orchestrate the news media and monopolize outlets for public information, this is a natural corollary--literally the capability to physically neutralize the thought in your brain.  I present to you here serial crimes against numerous defenseless people, of which I have been one, involving acts of torture, cruelty, and degradation.

I'm sorry to have to state this awful truth, but Timothy McVeigh was practically a war hero who sacrificed in the course of a brave civil war against a corrupt system which the deceptive press had camouflaged as a healthy democracy. In one sense he deserved to be canonized as a martyr for freedom from the standpoint of his basic motivation, although the end might not justify the means. A point had been reached at which the system had failed to respond to any peaceful measures and was incapable of taking notice through any normal channels. The news media would never allow to come to light the Stalinist-type purges and tortures of innocent people who were only demanding to experience their most elemental human rights and who were denied them by a capitalist organization bent on military and technological superiority, which had abandoned basic human values. The only real values in evidence were desires for dominance over the rest of the world, as evidenced by numerous opportunistic invasions of weaker countries to gain control over reserves and resources. This was certainly not in the spirit of the America of our founding fathers.

I presented these facts on Usenet (Internet newsgroups) starting in April, 1998, to the present. I usually posted to the newsgroups alt.mindcontrol (which was at the time a good place for a public forum on this subject), alt.conspiracy, soc.rights.human, and alt.current-events, among others. I contributed to a good number of the social issue- related newsgroups and some of the science groups (with alt, soc, or sci prefixes). The contents of these posts might still be available in various Usenet archives. What follows is a loose compilation of some of these texts with a little editing where appropriate. Some of the material here was written circa late 1999 or early 2000, when I was first constructing this web site. Since then, there have been more recent additions, as the site has grown. Conditions for writing were not the best, writing having been conducted under actual physical mind control--hence some disorganization or inappropriate influence. You be the judge. I remember so well long ago how I expected to be eventually vindicated by inevitable information leaks, but it turned out that the mind control and the establishment which owned it were formidable forces for suppression. As time goes on they consolidate their power even more.

When the crimes first began there was no Internet, which became a handy vehicle for presentation of the problems to an unrestricted audience for the first time. There are dangers inherent in so doing, but I have little recourse.

I would appreciate if anyone who is able to contribute information toward the solution of these crimes, or about mind control in general, would post it in a public forum or the newsgroup alt.mindcontrol (a still available ground for exchange of information which in 2012 is badly sabotaged by enemies of free information--in need of moderation). The old Mind Control Forum at www.mindcontrolforums.com is no longer active but exists in Internet archives. It is still of historical interest. There are a number of good forums under Yahoo groups. Support groups keep popping up (such as http://www.freedomfchs.com/). The human spirit is irrepressible.

Citizen action -type help is also needed with law enforcement and apprehension which the authorities have not done effectively for over thirty years because of massive criminal corruption or gross incompetence. It seems they are deliberately failing to disarm violent organized criminal bullies and allowing tortures and de facto killings to take place. Armed criminals are allowed to maintain a network in place for the purpose of intimidation and terrorization of the citizen who demands his elemental human rights. These criminals would stop at nothing to control the United States or the rest of the world illegally, so you might ultimately be acting in your own self interest if you could contribute toward relief of the problem. Original participants are suffering a lot from burnout (in the literal and ironic senses of that word), but the threat to freedom remains the same. Our most elemental human rights are in jeopardy (to think, speak, emote, and even to breath free). We have in this development a technology which could have been a double-edged sword, but human nature being what it is it will never again be seen in a positive light. It diminishes to a nightmare in the hands of people with bad intentions, who fetish torture methods above other interests while hiding behind cowardly anonymity. Because of the high-tech nature of the crimes, some of which actually involve satellite relays, the common beat cop is a bit technologically impaired to deal with the problem without training and coaching, but government at other levels has little excuse for having taken no positive action with the comparatively massive resources at their disposal, including a scientific elite without peer.

C. Paliwoda
Ohio, USA

Update begun:  October, 2008 (and continuing)

New! (my new blog)
Mind Control Diary
The Torture of Delores Hejazi
Conditioned Responses VS "New" Brain Technology
Use of De Facto Death Squads Against Defenseless Unarmed Civilians to Suppress Information
A Human Rights Manifesto
My Usenet Posts About Experience
Possible Suspects and Criminals Leads
Sociopaths Acquiring ESP
More Interesting Finds Posted by Other People