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This month's featured author is TrexPhile. TrexPhile writes TNG (mostly P/C) fanfic and four of her stories are featured on this page.

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Name: TrexPhile


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm a mother of five (four still at home) in a very small, rather remote town in Texas. I work part-time in a photography studio, which works well since my home duties take up a great deal of time. I participate in community theatre productions once or twice a year, usually on stage, but

I've also moved into writing scripts. I enjoy music of all types and collecting movies (I think our family has enough now to open a video store). Not being crafty at all, all my creativity is expressed through writing, acting, and sometimes singing.

How long have you been a writer?

�Since before I could actually write I remember drawing a story in comic strip fashion when I was about four and having my mother write the dialogue down as I dictated. So that would be... let's see -- about 34 years.

How long have you been a Trek fan?

Ah! Well, I remember watching the first wave of TOS syndication and realizing that this was something that struck a chord in my young soul. That began a lifelong love of all things science fiction, even the cheesiest of the television shows (like "Land of the Giants". I was *young*, remember?)

What is your favorite series to watch? To write for? To watch?

TNG most definitely. I refused to watch TNG when it premiered, my reason being that "Spock wasn't in it." It was only when the movie "Generations" came out on video and my daughter *forced* me to sit down and watch ("Mama -- Kirk is in this one, okay?") that I discovered that this Trek *was* good. I've watched a few seasons of DS9 and VOY as well, but TNG is my favorite. And since I know the TNG characters much better than the other series', it's the only one I write.

What is your favorite episode?

You *would* ask that! For Picard/Crusher, it would have to be "Attached," but I also like "Disaster" because we get to see more of all the characters. The series finale "All Good Things" is also a favorite (despite the major gaffs in plot), the Bev-heavy eps ("Sub Rosa," "The Host") and the Q eps.

What type of fanfic do you like to write?

Picard/Crusher. That's pretty much all I write, although I will on occasion put some Riker/Troi in there. As for non-Trek, I read a lot of X-Files fanfic and have written four little XF stories, centering around the Mulder/Scully relationship.

Have you done any other type of writing?

Not since I've started writing fanfic. Actually, I hadn't written anything in years until I discovered fanfic. I *do* have a couple of ideas for some non-fanfic works, but I probably won't touch them until I've exhausted my passion for fanfic.

How did you get started writing fanfic?

It was before I knew there was such a thing. A few months after my obsession for TNG began, a story began forming in my head and wouldn't leave me alone. In Dec '96 we got a computer and I was finally able to get this story out of my head and on "paper"; in March '97 we went online and lo and behold! I discovered there were other people that were doing the same thing I was! I wasn't as crazy as I'd thought!

What is your favorite fanfic?

My favorite P/C piece is still Allison Martens' "Illusion." As for author, there's no way I can choose just one, so I have to say Gabriele Preusse (early P/C writer who's no longer writing ) and AdmTAG. I *have* to throw in my favorite XF story and writer -- Dasha K's "Blinded By White Light" is a magnificent piece, and she's my favorite XF writer, hands down.

Is there someone who inspires your writing, be it a famous person, one of the actors or another fic writer?

When it comes to finding ideas to write about, music is the number one inspiration for me. A good number of my stories came to be because a song or piece of music stirred something in me that morphed into a story. As for the mechanics of writing, I pay attention to every author I read, whether pro and fanfic. Dasha K (XF fanfic writer) has been an influence lately -- her attention to detail and the five senses has prompted me to attempt the same in my writing.

What is your favorite book? Why?

This is *such* a hard question to answer. How about "Favorite at this point in my life"? Since I've read them each many times, I'd have to say Jack Finney's _Time and Again_ and Robert Heinlein's _Stranger in a Strange Land_. And (believe it or not) Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" series -- reading it brings back comfortable childhood memories. As for TNG profic, Peter David's _Q-Squared_ can't be topped.

Tell us something strange about yourself.

Hmmm.... well, I don't think there are many 38-year-old mothers who sport long curly red hair and two tattoos on their ankles (one being a Starfleet delta shield). Perhaps that's why I'm often told "You're not *really* that old, are you?"

Do you have any advice for other fanfic authors?

1. Know your subject well! Make sure you know your characters backward and forward -- their personalities, their temperaments, their history. Most fanfic readers could probably tell you more about their favorite characters than about their closest friends so make sure you have your facts straight. Read other fanfic, use the official Trek guides, and watch those episodes.

2. Since Trek fanfic has been around for so long, it's really hard to find an original storyline. That's okay -- it's still possible to find an original way to present something that's already been written a dozen times. Let your imagination go wild and keep reading other fanfic.

3. Find someone to beta-read your stuff. And not just those who say "I love it!" Set your ego aside and allow them to give you the constructive crit that your story may need. I have a couple of beta-readers that have set me on track more than once. There's no way that I'll post a story before they go over it line by line, idea by idea. This process has improved my writing immeasurably.

4. Love what you're doing. If you get frustrated, if you can't get past that block, don't fret over it. Set it aside. Perhaps after months or even years, you'll be able to pick it up again. If you're forcing yourself to write, there's no reward in it.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Fanfiction has expanded my life in ways that I could have never imagined. In the past three years, I've met so many people, made some dear friends, traveled all over the country. Being a member of this community has been a blessing. I want to thank everyone who has ever told me that they liked what I've written. It has been so rewarding to think that I may have touched someone with my words..

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TrexPhile's Fanfic

Note: Stories will open in a separate window.

Rescued - A post-episode story for "The Host." Rated R.

Vienna - Vienna becomes much more than just a city for Beverly and Jean-Luc. Rated mild R.

China Roses - During a shared shore leave, Jean-Luc is distant and Beverly can't reach him. Rated G.

For Old Time'S Sake After years apart, Beverly and Jean-Luc finally break their silence. Rated G

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