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Stories linked to with permission from the authors. Please hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this site.

Note: Stories rated NC-17 may contain material inappropriate for those under the age of 17. If you are under age or may be offended by such material, please do not read those stories.

Do you have a recommendation? Send it to [email protected].

Title: Beautiful People
Author: ChristineCGB
Codes: Yeoman Colt/ Number One, f/f, Rated NC-17
Description: This story is based on the two Starfleet women who found themselves in the cage with Captain Pike in The Cage/ The Menagerie.
Beldaran's Rec: I loved the way Christine managed to take marginal characters and make them simply fascinating. This story drips with sensuality.

Title: Message in a Bottle
Author: DebbieB
Codes: Spock/Christine
Description: Christine Chapel has spent the better part of fifty years getting over Mr. Spock. So why is she traipsing across the galaxy on a wild goose chase now?
Beldaran's Rec: This story preps you while reading through Christine to understand the logical path laid out of Spock's aging. Wonderful plot and characterizations.

Title: A Midwinter's Night Dream
Author: Tom Howard
Description: A mysterious entity takes over Uhura and attempts to turn the Enterprise into the semblance of an Eygptian society
Beldaran's Rec: This story stays true to the writing styles of Rodenberry, Fontana and Coon. Reading this, you almost ask yourself it was an actual episode you missed. This is a GREAT story.

Title: Not With A Bang but With A Whimper
Author: Ed Reilly
Description: In an attempt to build a lasting alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Empire, Spock runs for the office of Federation President, but is hindered by the loss of an old friend
Beldaran's Rec: What makes this story so catchy is the exploration of Spock's humanity. He does what everyone expects him to, but he didn't *want* to do it.

Title: Perchance to Dream
Author: Nesabj
Description: Captain Kirk can fight any Klingon while he's awake, but what happens once he falls asleep?
Beldaran's Rec: It's always thrilling to read a story that reads like an episode. This story found me on the edge of my chair wanting to know what those dastardly Klingons were doing this time, and I didn't stop until I read the whole thing.

Title: Solstice
Author: Roisin Fraser
Description: A harp, a package, and some bittersweet memories of Christmas.

Title: Sympathy for the Devil
Author: Rabble Rouser
Codes: S/T'Pring, T'Pring/Stonn
Description: T'Pring tries to find a way out of a bond she does not want.
Beldaran's Rec: There are times when all one can think of after reading a story like this is 'amazing'. Longer than some and worth the read. Grab some popcorn, a blanket and huddle up to your computer.

Title: What Lies Within
Author: Jungle Kitty
Codes: "gen"
Description: What really happens when James Kirk faces the Kobayashi Maru.
Beau's Rec: JK really digs down into the psyche of Kirk and explains why he becomes such a successful captain. I always wondered what Kirk did to beat the Kobayashi Maru. This fic explains it all - and delivers much more in the process.

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