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This month's featured author is Tracy Hemenover. Tracy writes "DS9" fanfic and three of her stories are featured on this page.

If you're a fanfic writer and would liked to be featured on this page, please drop us a note at [email protected] We'll also gladly take recommendations for writers whom you think deserve to be "in the spotlight."

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Name:Tracy Hemenover

Website: The DS9 Encyclopedia and Lexicon

How long have you been a writer?

I've always wanted to create stories since I learned to read. But I rarely finished any until I started writing DS9 fanfic.

How long have you been a Trek fan?

Since the early '70's, when I was about ten, and TOS was just entering widespread syndication. I know I was a fan before fall 1973, when the animated series premiered. I grew up with the TOS crew, and still have a lot of affection for Spock, Bones, Scotty, Chekov, and the rest.

What is your favorite series to watch? To write for?

DS9, unquestionably, on both counts. It resonates for me in a way TNG and VOY have never managed to do. I find the characters incredibly vibrant and realistic, particularly Odo and Kira.

What type of fanfic do you like to write?

Intensely emotional. It doesn't have to be romantic or sexy, though those are fun. I mainly want my stories to make the readers feel something.

Have you done any other type of writing?

I have occasionally written reviews for local fanclub zines; essays and the like. Then, of course, there is my DS9 Encyclopedia, which was and still is very fun to work on.

How did you get started writing fanfic?

I used to attempt writing TOS fanfic back when I was a kid, before I knew anyone else had ever done it. But I could never finish those stories, because I thought I had to have a big plot, and I'm lousy with plots. I would start one out but never figure out how to continue or end it. I only began finishing stories when I had the major revelation that I actually *didn't* have to create a major plotline, that I could just write "a day in the life" and have it say what I wanted to say. To this day, my plots tend to be extremely minimal, but no one has complained.

What is your favorite fanfic?

Whatever I last read that struck a chord in me emotionally. There are so many like that in O/K fandom that I can't really pick any one out. But there are several brilliant O/K authors who I highly recommend: Carolyn Fulton, GreenWoman, OdoGoddess, Christine Zdroj-Bichler, to name a very few.

Who is someone who inspires your writing?

I don't know if I can really pick out any one inspiration for my general writing. I'm sure I have influences like everyone else does, but I'm not conscious of anyone in particular. Unless you count the characters I write about in fanfic.

What is your favorite book?

Again, I can't pick out just one. There are many SF/fantasy classics which I love: Tolkien's Middle Earth books, Anne McCaffrey's Pern books, Piers Anthony, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Elfquest, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough's Unicorn trilogy, Stephen R. Donaldson, Terry Brooks, Ursula Le Guin, etc., etc. I recently read A Midsummer Tempest by Poul Anderson, which is great if you love Shakespeare and alternate universes.

Do you have any advice to other fanfic writers?

Piece of advice #1: If you're going to write in someone else's universe, know that universe and who you're writing about. Unless you're writing parody, always write the characters as close to being *in* character as you can. And please, if you want to indulge your personal fantasies in writing, create your own characters.

#2: If you have trouble with spelling and grammar, keep a dictionary and a usage book of some sort handy. Don't rely on spellcheckers. Computers are brilliant idiots. They know how to spell "their" and "they're", but they don't know which one is what you need. Care enough about your story to make some effort to ensure that your ideas are conveyed clearly.

Anything else?

Just that the reason I write Odo and Kira is that I find them the most fascinating romantic pairing in Trek. They have an incredibly complex and compelling bond that evolved naturally out of the characters' interactions. The fact that he is a changeling and she a solid gives it a bittersweet, mythical depth that is unmatched by any other Trek couple. And the fact that the relationship was "canonized" sends the powerful message that you are worthy of love, and you can find love, even if you're different.

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Tracy's Fanfic

Clarity A vignette set the evening after the next-to-last scene of "His Way"--you know, the Giant Smooch On the Promenade.

A New Light A prisoner is snatched out of a holding cell, and Odo and Kira take off in hot pursuit--straight into a trap.

Necessary Evil A stolen list and an injured Quark bring back Odo's memories of his first murder case, which may have a connection to current events.

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