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This month's featured author is Laura Taylor. Laura writes Voyager/DS9 fanfic and four of her stories are featured on this page.

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Name: Laura Taylor (also [email protected])


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I live in the shadow of a giant neon star in Southwestern Virginia (Blue Ridge to the east, Alleghanies to the west) with my son, 2 cats and a fish, work part time as chapel secretary at Hollins University and spend as much of the rest of my time writing as I can.

How long have you been a writer?

�Since conception, probably...let's see, that's about 31 years and 5 months :-)

How long have you been a Trek fan?

You'd better sit down for this one. Are you sitting? About three years.

What is your favorite series to watch? To write for? To watch?

It really depends on what I'm looking for. DS9 is my favorite for thought-provoking plots and a diversity of strong, compelling characters. OTOH, none of the series, IMO, can match VOY's talent for humor and fun. If forced to choose, I'd have to go for DS9. I'm a sucker for weird aliens, and the Cardassians are at the top of my list.

What is your favorite episode?

Probably DS9's "Return to Grace," although "A Time to Stand," "Sacrifice of Angels" and "Waltz" come close.

What type of fanfic do you like to write?

Whatever challenges me. I rarely stay within one specific genre for too long, and as a result I've written hurt-comfort, Mary Sues, action-adventure, UST, romance, smut, character studies, parody, satire, you name it.

I've never written TOS or slash, although I have occasionally hinted at slashy relationships. I've also never written romances that featured the 'classic' pairings--P/C, R/T, W/D, O/K (with the slight exception of "Expiation"), J/C, P/T. I don't like to write relationships that are 'destined to be' by virtue of their popularity; if I'm going to write about a relationship, I want it to be one hindered by obstacles--even insurmountable ones. I love the pathos of unrequited love stories :-)

Have you done any other type of writing?

I used to be a newspaper reporter, and before that my scholarly endeavors required me to produce a seemingly endless supply of articles, etc. on various theological and historical themes. Since then, however, I've written promotional articles and press releases for the local visitors bureau, personal essays and short stories, and, most recently and most importantly, stageplays. I've spent the past year trying to find a producing theatre for my first completed play while finishing 3 others. I've amassed enough "Thanks, but no thanks" letters to wallpaper the guest bedroom. Still, those rejection letters have been encouraging enough ("Compelling theme...," "Well-drawn characters...," "Realistic dialogue...") to keep me going when all else seems bleak.

Oh, and I've done some writing and editing for print 'zines as well--I edit all DS9 material for Orion Press.

How did you get started writing fanfic?

I first got into Trek fandom (and fanfic) through At the time, variations on the Q-loses-his-powers theme from "Deja Q" seemed to be all the rage, with Alara Rogers' superb (but, alas, unfinished) "Only Human" the benchmark. I got it into my swelled head that I could do the same, but better (with the exception of "Only Human"), and my career as a fanfic writer was born :-)

What is your favorite fanfic?

Depends on what day of the week it is I have several--"Only Human," of course, then Macedon's "Talking Stick" and "Walking Across Egypt," also Marlissa Campbell's "Kalevian Montar," "Skin Deep" and "Wormwood," and "A Simple Act of Compassion" by m.c. moose. I recently finished editing a DS9 print novella by Christopher Visser called "Three Travelers" that is one of the best fanfics I've ever read.

I also have to give a nod to Lauren Francis, who produces some absolutely brilliant fan-art.

Is there someone who inspires your writing, be it a famous person, one of the actors or another fic writer?

I've been influenced from several directions. I'd say most of my writing style has been influenced by the literature of the American South, in particular William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor and Tennessee Williams.

Due to my studies in comparative religions and church history, there's almost always a strong religious and mythical element in my stories. I've looked to some of my favorite fanfic writers (Alara, Macedon, Marlissa, m.c.moose, among others) for inspiration and, sometimes, challenges. Believe it or not, a face-to-face meeting with Marc Alaimo (Dukat) gave me the impetus I needed to try my hand at playwriting, and my fantasy of someday having a play directed by Casey Biggs (Damar) keeps me trying :-)

What is your favorite book? Why?

TAUGH! How on Earth can I possibly answer this? Quite often it changes with each new book I read. Recently-read books that have made an impact include Clyde Edgerton's "Walking Across Egypt", Anatole France's "The Gods Will Have Blood", Primo Levi's "Survival in Auschwitz", G.G. Kaye's "The Lions of Al-Rassan" and a collection of essays by Barbara Kingsolver entitled "High Tide in Tucson".

Do you have any advice for other fanfic authors?

Don't shortchange yourself, or the rest of us, by saying, "It's only fanfic."

Fanfic, the family stories our grandparents tell at the dinner table, the prizewinning novels of William Faulkner, the Jack Tales of Appalachian storytellers, Goethe's Faust, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the Bible, the Ramayana, the Gilgamesh Epic, all draw upon the same sources and all serve the same purpose. Remember them when you write. I'm not suggesting you should strive to produce Great Liter-AH-ture, but care enough about what you're doing to tell the best damn story you can.

Once you say, "Oh, it's just fanfic, who cares?" your lack of passion and dedication will manifest itself in your stories. Give a damn about what you're doing--remember that storytelling is a *communal* activity that finds meaning not only in the telling but also in the hearing--and I promise your commitment and sincerity will come through.

Anything else you'd like to add?

READ. Read, read, read. Read anything you can get your hands on--the newspaper, magazines, scholarly journals, poetry, short story anthologies, books in every genre (not just science fiction and fantasy), ranging from the epics of our ancient past (including that of other cultures) to the latest best-seller. The more you read, and the more you expand your horizons by reading, the better you *and* your writing will be.

If you can, I also urge you to attend opportunities for *listening* to stories--storytelling festivals, of course, but also poetry slams, public readings at local libraries and bookstores, and the theatre. Even listening to the Torah being read at your local synagogue can help you acquire a greater appreciation for the craft of storytelling and the cadences of language.

Once you've done all this, then have fun! *Play* with what you've learned. Experiment! Don't be afraid to try something different. Language is such a marvelous tool, it's a shame how little understood and appreciated it is by modern writers. Crud. I've been doing my soapbox shtick again, haven't I? :-D

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Laura's Fanfic

Note: Stories will open in a separate window.

Communion Set soon after "Sacrifice of Angels." Only Kira can comfort Dukat in his grief. Rated PG

Expiation The death of his wife and child enables Damar to see Kira in a new light. Set during "Tacking into the Wind."

Walking Among Ghosts Kira must work with Dukat to uncover the truth about a gruesome crime committed during the Occupation. Rejected for Strange New Worlds 2. Rated PG-13

Facilis Descensus Averno (The Descent to Hell Is Easy) It's been fifty years since Voyager disappeared in the Badlands, and the crew's perseverance has finally paid off: they've come home. By all rights, this should be a joyous homecoming for them. However, the Alpha Quadrant to which they return is not the one they left. The Federation no longer exists, and the government that has replaced the UFP is hell-bent on imprisoning and punishing Voyager's Starfleet crew. Will Captain Janeway survive to set foot on Earth as a free woman, or will the vengeful Maquis Republic execute her on Chakotay's behalf? Rated PG-13

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