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Name: Julie Evans

How long have you been a Trek fan?

Since 1976. I became a fan while watching TOS in reruns, and have watched every Trek series (and movie since).

How long have you been writing?

A little over two years

What type of fanfic have you written?

Voyager, mainly P/T, but an occasional focus on the other characters from time to time

Have you done any other type of writing?

None yet

How did you get started writing fanfic?

I joined the P/T Collective on AOL, and discovered fanfic there and on the Internet, and was hooked. This was in February of 1997. Shortly thereafter I began to write it myself.

What is your favorite fanfic?

*Very* hard question, because there are many great stories and authors out there, but if I had to name one author and story, it would be Janet Toner (Jamelia) and her AU series "Warmth." The series has everything, in-depth and accurate characterization, humor, occasional pathos, and above all, warmth. Janet's affection for the characters always shines through in her stories.

Who is someone who inspires your writing?

I guess my inspiration comes from the characters themselves, in the case of fanfic, from the characters on Voyager. They interest me and I want to explore them and find out more about them, so I write them. The actors who play them contribute a large part of the inspiration also through their fine work.

What is your favorite book?

"The Persian Boy" by Mary Renault.

Do you have any advice to other fanfic writers?

Write what you feel passionate about. And if you get enjoyment out of the process and pride from the result, that self-satisfaction is what really matters most.

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Julie's Fanfic

Tom's Lullaby Paris helps Torres fall asleep.

Walls Paris is haunted by claustrophobia.

B'Elanna's Beach Tour Tom creates a world tour of beaches for B'Elanna. (NC-17)

New Year's Resolutions Tom makes a promise to B'Elanna on New Year's. (NC-17)

Spring Fling This is the sequel to "Halt Turbolift" in that it is B'Elanna's fantasy holoprogram she promised Tom in that story.

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