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This month's featured author is Jenn. Jenn writes Voyager fanfic and five of her stories are featured on this page.

If you're a fanfic writer and would liked to be featured on this page, please drop us a note at [email protected] We'll also gladly take recommendations for writers whom you think deserve to be "in the spotlight."

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Name: Jenn


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm a senior college student, a single mother, a writer--umm...I also enjoy reading, crocheting, cooking, and painting--not artistically, mind you. I just like to paint. In general. Let's see. I also like webpage design, but am still very much a beginner, and playing piano. I think that covers it. I can't stand to be bored.

How long have you been a writer?

�Since I learned the alphabet. But only with intent since around fifth grade. A bad, bad rip of of Anne of Green Gables called Friends of Mine. Many Mary Sues, many Great Tragedies, and everyone wore silk dresses and fainted frequently. I was very young.

How long have you been a Trek fan?

Re-runs of TOS as a child after the after-school cartoons. The only one I never saw was Amok Time, which I finally got to see last year. Very nice. TNG solidified it big time--I was a regular Saturday-afternoon watcher until it went off the air and put an embargo on any future Trek programs I was so upset about its leaving. But I found Voyager, and am happy again.

What is your favorite series to watch? To write for? To watch?

To watch? Voyager and TNG. To write? Voyager.

What is your favorite episode?

There are three actually. Timeless (Voyager), Memorial (Voyager), and The Chute (Voyager). There are some in TNG I adored, but I dont' remember names of any TNG eps.

What type of fanfic do you like to write?

Type? Angsty, I think. Voyager-angsty...let's face it, this show begs for more pain for the hapless crew. I enjoy obliging. A little romance. P/T mostly, and some P/7, one J/P.

Have you done any other type of writing?

Yes. Fantasy, some contemporary, a long stay in horror, a visit to sci-fi, and a brief and very forgettable stop in Trash Romance. Ick.

How did you get started writing fanfic?

A long summer without classes and getting internet access. Actually, it was the fault of Equinox I that did it, that and seeing 30 Days. I hadn't had much high hopes for Season V and my class schedule changed dramatically, so I'd stopped watching much TV at all, then did the Great Discovery and returned over the summer. It began with Jim Wright's review of Someone to Watch Over Me--it turned into camping out in Melanie's To Tell the Truth saga for days on end. I knew I was doomed, and figured I should try to write something. STWOM took control and I wrote a story about it. The slide began.

What is your favorite fanfic?

Voyager. P/T, P/7, K/7 (occassionally), and anything written by Suz Voy, Kat Hughes, Jam, and Melanie. There are other authors I read constantly, but these pop up to mind.

I also have to give a nod to Lauren Francis, who produces some absolutely brilliant fan-art.

Is there someone who inspires your writing, be it a famous person, one of the actors or another fic writer?

Someone? I'm not sure. Jamelia was the first to encourage my fanfiction explorations and pretty much walked me through the first steps. For muses, Sorcha, Ann, Kat,and Sara, who've always been available to correct my interpretation, spelling, and canon, as well as give me some brilliant ideas, inspiration, and muse-attracting music. I think that qualifies.

What is your favorite book? Why?

Two. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, because I'm a hopeless romantic, and Neuromancer, by William Gibson, mostly because I didnt' expect to like it when I read it. A great, great book.

Tell us something strange about yourself.

I like cats. Not strange enough? Okay...the fact that I write fanfiction already labels me strange to most of the Outside World--um...I'm a genealogy freak of the first order. That's what I do when I have time--I sit reading Plutarch and Livy and trace the genealogy of the old Roman Republic patrician and plebian senatorial houses. Or in Dark Ages Europe, New Kingdom Egypt, and ancient Syria. You get the idea. If they had a nice title and ruled some area of dirt, I probably have their genealogy on file somewhere. Old Germany is still hard to follow, though.

Do you have any advice for other fanfic authors?

Read a lot of it before you start writing. It helps.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Eat sensibly and drink lots of coffee. It helps. And always feedback.

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Jenn's Fanfic

Note: Stories will open in a separate window.

In the Space of Seven Days This is a Tom Paris story, but I dragged every major and minor crewman I could put a face to a name (and some I didn't!). Tom gets to lead the ship in the worst possible circumstances, and the crew under him learns to compromise their ethics to put things right. Rated PG-13 - NC-17, depending on part.

Casual Conversation Tom and Chakotay have a little conversation over brandy. Rated PG

Dusk at Sandrine's The original story: set after Equinox II. Janeway and Paris dance as they wait for their significant others...and wonder why they are alone. Rated: PG-13

Dusk at Sandrine's, version 2 Set after "Equinox II". This is an alternate ending to the original Dusk story, which can be found below. Paris and Janeway spend some quality time on the holodeck, and maybe in their loneliness share a little too much. Rated: NC-17

In Pursuit of a Sensation The short summary--Tom finds his backbone from Season 3, B'Elanna gets to see this up close and a little too personal, and Harry gets drunk for a good cause. What's not to love? Rated R

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