Chapter 13 – Final battle


Shang Tsung arrived to his castle and ordered his minions to shove off somewhere. Shang kept muttering to himself some things that he wanted to happen.


“He must enter. I’ve gone so far for 500 years and if I fail now I’ve wasted it all.” Shang Tsung mumbled to himself.


Liu Kang then caught up with him and shouted his name. Shang Tsung froze and then turned around.


“Ah, Liu Kang, I expected you to come.” Shang Tsung said.

“You will die for my brother.” Kang said turning red.

“You do know that he chose to die. That’s why he came to me.” Shang replied.

“You did not have to kill him.” Kang also replied.

“He chose his own path and now if you mind I have other things to do.” Shang Tsung said as he began to walk away.

“Sorcerer! I challenge you to fight!” Kang shouted.


Shang stopped and turned to face Kang who was already in a position to strike.


“You challenge me? Well, I accept your challenge.” Shang answered, taking off his robe, “…but, I will test your ability.” Shang added.

“Do not play these mind games, Sorcerer!” Raiden appeared and said.

“Stay out of this, Thunder God.” Shang Tsung commanded.

“As you wish but I will watch your every move.” Raiden added.


Shang Tsung started his little game by having past warriors that he defeated himself to appear and fight Liu Kang.


A opponent that had swords came flying at Kang and swiped his sword. Kang dodged it and kicked him into his shin and his fell on his face. The three other demons came at Kang as well but all Kang did was dodge and retaliated. Soon the demons lay lifeless on the floor. Shang evaporated the demon bodies and told Kang that he is worthy of being a human. Now came a true test to see if Kang can act upon his own destiny. Shang then morphed into Kang’s brother.


“Brother, its me, Chan. I’m fighting Shang’s magic and I want to tell you something.” He said.

“Chan… why did you choose to fight Shang Tsung?” Kang asked.

“I chose to fight him because I wanted to.” Chan said

“No, Chan would not die in vain.” Liu Kang said to himself.

“The temple liked you a lot better and I thought I would be like you and then I tried to fight just like you.” Chan added.

“You are not my brother. Chan would not fight just because he wanted to be someone else. Kang said.


Shang Tsung then to himself and screamed ‘Die’ and went to punch him. Kang twisted with the force of the punch. He landed on hands and jumped back up. He then saw Raiden and he help Kang up.


“Quick, we need to escape from Shang.” Raiden said.

“What? Where’d Shang go?” Kang asked.

“He just disappeared and I tried to grab him but he was too fast for me. We must go at once.” Raiden answered.


Just then Kang punched Raiden in the mouth as he turned around and Raiden dropped to one knee.


“Why would you hit your Thunder God?” Raiden asked sternly.

“Raiden would never leave a fight that will decide the fate of a planet.” Kang replied.

“Precisely!” Raiden said as he turned in Shang Tsung and lunged at Kang.


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