Privacy Policy

Uncle-Eddys is committed to your privacy. This notice serves to help you better understand what information Uncle-Eddys collects, how it uses that information, and with whom Uncle-Eddys may share a limited portion of that information with. The most recent version of Uncle-Eddys's privacy policy can be found on this page ( If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, you should contact our Customer Support by email.
Uncle-Eddys knows that you value your personal information, and we protect your privacy as if it were our own. Uncle-Eddys's uses of your information is limited to the ways outlined in this notice, except as required by law and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our website.
What kind of information about me does Uncle-Eddys collect?
Uncle-Eddys collects information about you in these ways:
1. Order information you give us: If you place an online order, our secure order form requests contact, billing, and financial information (such as your credit card numbers for purchases). Contact information from the order form (email address, name, billing and shipping address, and phone number) is used to send orders and information about our company to you.
2. Account information: If you choose to create a Uncle-Eddys account, your login information is stored with any other information you associate with your account.
3. Non-personal information we receive automatically: Like most websites, Uncle-Eddys utilizes cookies. Cookies are a mechanism to remember information about you when you navigate from one web page to another. Our website uses cookies to hold a user's unique session identifiers, allowing us to serve correct information back to the user. Such information includes your shopping cart items, or whether you are logged in. Our website cookies do not hold any personally identifiable information. Uncle-Eddys may use other similar technologies which allow us to collect non-personally identifiable information about your visit to help us better your experience.
4. Mobile information: Where available, when you utilize our iPhone® or Android® phone apps, we may receive non-personally identifiable information, such as a unique identifier for your device letting us know what type of phone you are using.
How does Uncle-Eddys use this information?
Uncle-Eddys uses information collected in these ways:
1. Order processing and customer service: After placing an online order, your contact information including your email address will be used to get in touch with you should we have questions regarding your order or should we need to notify you of the status of your order. Your credit card information is transmitted securely to our third part processing provider in compliance with Payment Card Industry standards. You will automatically be registered to receive our email newsletter, which you are able to opt out of at any time by accessing your user account, following the unsubscribe link found in the email newsletter, or sending an email to [email protected] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE followed by your email address in the subject of the email (example: UNSUBSCRIBE [email protected]).
2. Third-party service providers: Uncle-Eddys works closely with other companies and individuals to facilitate transactions and better your experience. Examples of third-party service provider services include shipping orders, analyzing data, providing accurate search results and links, processing credit card payments, affiliate marketing, and newsletters. Any information that Uncle-Eddys shares with a third-party service provider is done so safely, securely, and under a contractual relationship with that provider to protect your data.
3. Promotional offers: From time to time we or a service provider acting on our behalf may use your name, email address, and/or mailing address to send you an offer for a Uncle-Eddys product or service we believe to be of interest to you.
4. Other information you provide us: Information you provide us for specific offers or services is only used for the limited purpose for which the information is being given. Examples of these offers or services include Refer-A-Friend, Email to a Friend, surveys, and sweepstakes.
What information can I access or modify?
If you are a registered customer, you may log into your account and view or modify the account information on file, including personally identifiable information, recent orders, payment settings, shopping lists, and Set & Save settings. In order to protect your personal information, only the last four numbers of any saved credit cards are viewable.
How does Uncle-Eddys secure my information?
Uncle-Eddys utilizes technologies including Transport Layer Security (TLS) and database encryption to ensure the privacy of your personal information. When you make an online purchase, our advanced security technology uses strong secure protocols to send your personal data to us, making it practically impossible for someone to intercept and extract that data. To further protect your information, we utilize state of the art back-end systems and restrict employee access to your information. Any time we share your information with a third party consistent with this Privacy Policy, we utilize technological and contractual safeguards to keep your information safe. While we are confident ordering online is safe and secure, if for any reason you cannot access the secure server or feel uncomfortable ordering online, please feel free to place your order with us by phone at 1-877-320-0508. As a general practice, it is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. If using a shared computer, be sure to log out of your account prior to leaving the computer.
Can I opt-out?
At any time you can adjust your communication preferences, including opting out of promotional mailings, from within your Uncle-Eddys account. You also have the right to disable your account. To do so, you may call or email Customer Service.