Final Assignment Description & Strategies
Documentation of the Development Process

Golf is a fairly expensive sport. Customers and visitors are always looking for value on equipment and services. Being a small business with less overhead, product markups are less making his prices competitive with bigger retailers. The website will allow visitors to shop brand-name equipment and receive high-quality, personalized services. The website should also drive customers to the brick and mortar outlet.

Ultimately, the website should generate sales from each visitor and converting them to repeat customers. At the very least, visitors can sign up for email notifications of sales and events before they leave the site. Visitors should quickly realize they can order products or services and stop by to get them (if they are local) or take advantage of fast, free shipping.

Research was performed on what products Uncle sales, competitors, hosting & development, then planning & Design which included an analysis of the site structure, navigation, layout, color themes, typography, browser and mobile(viewport) sizes and resolutions.

I then proceeded with development research on CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, responsive, browser compatabilities. From there I created a wireframe for the main page and the CSS color schemes.

Once that was completed, I created wireframes and developed the other pages, applied the chosen CSS color schemes, gathered and added content (photos, videos, forms, tables and text, all while trying to keep the pages responsive for different viewport sizes. Lastly, I went through a testing cycle to make sure links and everything was working.

Defense of the Final Product

Golf is a very popular sport and interest in playing has increased over the last several years by players of all ages. It is particularly difficult to buy clubs for small children. Customizing equipment or providing personalized services are advantages my uncle has for local customers. Being a more personal sport, Golf players generally play on their local courses. Many times, customers prefer to try before they buy equipment or want the equipment right away, not wanting to wait for shipments to arrive. The website will highlight how people can take advantage of a local retailer with competitive prices and services. It will also be a way to extend advertissing to users that don't lknow about Uncle's business or that are planning to visit the area. Because of the explosion of user moving towards mobility, the site takes advantage of HTML5/CSS3 responsive development features, allowing site visitorss to gain a full and rich browsing experience.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

We plan to expand the sites content to display more of the store's interior practice facilities, repair(in store or shipped in) and fitting services to entice customers to come in. Also plan to expand the "purchase and pick-up at the store" capabilities. We also want to work with local golf courses to advertise their events and outtings on the site, which is another revenue stream. Lastly, with more time, we can format the site to more compatable with all browsers using more Javascript, for example. It works best on FireFox and Safari.