Cover Art Competition, 2003

Scroll down to see all five entries and both parody entries.
Comments about specific covers can be viewed by clicking each image. Many thanks! Ian.
C: Michael Schuster

Click on image to see a larger version and voters' comments.

Denizens of the Psi Phi Star Trek Books bbs were invited to create designs for a mythical TOS novel called "Andor's Folly" by Ian McLean, in which a group of Andorian delegates to the next Babel Conference plan to announce their planet's shock departure from the UFP. Uhura and Spock are sent to negotiate after the ambassador in their care is fatally poisoned, but the bitter Orions have ways to ensure that Andor will fall. The book is set post-ST V but pre-ST VI. Closing date for cover art entries was 22nd August.

Closing date for voting was 5th September 2003. Visitors were asked to rank the covers in order, favourite to least favourite (and include the two parody cover entries if they liked). Votes were sent to me and I tabulated them. Constructive criticism, praise, observations and other comments were encouraged. The contest was viewed by 240 visitors and a total of 25 ballot emails were received. Thank you!

B: William Leisner
Tie Third:
A: Tamara Perry
Tie Third:
E: Michael Schuster

D: Michael Schuster

Click on images to see larger versions and voters' comments.

Whether adding up the points by first-past-the-post or preferential, the clear winner is Entry C on 80 points. Congratulations to Michael Schuster!

Second place is William Leisner's Entry B, which had plenty of appeal, although was the specified favourite cover of only three voters. It managed to score 52 points.

Only a few behind on 49 points each, there is a tie for third place: Entry A by Tamara Perry and Entry E by Michael Schuster.

The final position is also Michael Schuster's, Entry D at 32 points. Michael had actually completed three very different entries and showed great restraint by sending only his own favourite (the cover design that ultimately won). Upon my encouragement, he sent in his other two designs just before the deadline when it was obvious I wasn't going to be overrun by entries. Talented and prolific!

The Andorians' Choice Award: Invited Andorians from across the Net had their votes tabulated separately, but the results were quite similar. Again the clear winner is Entry C on 25 points. Congratulations again to Michael Schuster! Second place is Entry B with 14 points, followed by Entry E on 12. The Andorians narrowly preferred Entry D, on 8 points, to Entry A on 7. We detect a little bias there. Thiptho lapth, you guys!

Parody entries:

Popular choice:
P1: Glenn Butler

P2: Scott Butler

Click on images to see larger versions and voters' comments.

The parody entries were a surprise to me when they turned up, one within minutes of me announcing the contest. They couldn't really be considered alongside the other entries simply because they used existing book covers by other artists. However, they were so clever, I had to share them.

Entry P1 by Glenn Butler is the favourite parody entry. Entry P2 was designed by Scott Butler. Well done guys! A great effort and much appreciated.

My sincere thanks to all entrants. It was a delight to receive your entries and I hope you'll enjoy reading the individual comments about specific covers, which can be viewed by clicking each image.

A few general comments from voters:

Great idea this competition :)

First, let me say, the parody entries are pure genius. Personally, I'm looking forward to "Andor's Boner". Now as for the real entries, I don't really like any of them a whole lot. None of the covers are really that exciting.

I enjoyed the contest!

What fun! The covers are all very creative. Thanks again for doing this. What a wonderful way to bring out creativity in the group. And with new trends in publishing on demand, who knows, maybe your story and other fan fiction, will end up being published on the Net and will require a cover. P.S. I'll be very curious to see your list. (And you can! Specific comments about each cover can be viewed by clicking the images - Ian.)

So what have we learned about "Star Trek" cover art? You be the judge. Thanks again everyone, especially Late Night Lloyd for the idea - and thanks davidh and Cap for allowing me to keep spamming the bbs.

The Andor Files

The Andor Files

Star Trek © Paramount Pictures Corp. This webpage is for the promotion of a free competition only and is not intended to infringe on the rights of Paramount Pictures Corp. or Pocket Books.
Page revised September 2003
Email Therin and Ian at: [email protected] 1