Cover Art Competition, 2003: Parody Entry 2 by Scott Butler


The parody entries are pure genius.

It looks like the creator blued in Spock or Picard to look like an Andorian, but it's still a cool effect. And how nice to have an interview with the author included! (Obviously you haven't seen the upcoming covers for the Signature Edition omnibuses - Ian.)

Also very, very clever.

This is nice, but kind of cheesy. It would surpass Entry A in my opinion if: the font was changed, it's too bland and passive; the multicoloured star thing was changed - what is that? It looks strange, and it's purpose is unclear. I love the image of the captain though. (It's the Andorian Seal; see my comments below - Ian.)

I often find parodies superior to originals. But I just plain don't get a blue Picard in an old style uniform.

Just for the record, I really like the "Signature" series covers with the offset portraits. Those are really good from a design stand-point. (I have a degree in Art.)

Ian's comments:

This parody cover also delights me. Had the image not been simply a recoloured Picard it would have been even better and might have nudged out P1 in my preferences. Clever, whimsical and just plain fun. (So when is Kevin Dilmore interviewing me? I guess I have to write the book first. Or make it a duology and then have this cover on the omnibus "Signature" series version.) The Andorian symbol is actually poached from my own site. Incidentally, that is a scan of a real embossed metal, cold enamel and Letraset badge, handmade by me in the early 80s, based on the b/w diagram and colour chart from Franz Joseph's "ST Technical Manual".

See the original official cover that Scott has sent up here. Or go back to main menu of competition page.

Star Trek © Paramount Pictures Corp. This webpage is for the promotion of a free competition only and is not intended to infringe on the rights of Paramount Pictures Corp. or Pocket Books.
Page revised September 2003
Email Therin and Ian at: [email protected] 1