Cover Art Competition, 2003: Entry C by Michael Schuster


Entry C seems the most intriguing of all. I'm a big fan of lit backgrounds such as these. The Andorian looks a little silly in the bellbottoms, but I guess he's wearing an era-appropriate Starfleet uniform. The cover doesn't tell me much about what happens, but at least it looks cool... and different (good different, not bad different).

Looks a little like Blair Witch, maybe that was the idea. Looks alien and spooky.

Beautiful. I love the way this whole thing works. Simply lovely.

I think the silhouettes in the picture work well to pique a potential reader's curiosity - not much is revealed about the story.

Very original, I think it would stick out in the stores; the Andorian antennas look awesome.

Another tie between B and C. (Really, I'm trying to choose between these things, I just can't.) Entry C looks cool in its monochrome way, but it just doesn't feel Star Trek. (Unless the Andorian is shouting "Khan!")

I'd have to say cover C because it looks so different. Looks like a space ship is landing and the intense light looks real dramatic.

Most visually dynamic.

Entry C would come second because I definitely like the composition. Although, I don't think it's finished. It would need something else added to relate it to the plot. As it stands now, it looks like an X-Files poster.

Great cover. Love the back lighting and the Andorian silhouette is very cool. Lettering is the best of the five as well.

Definitely struck me. Of all of them, I would be most likely to buy that one based on the cover.

Andorian Planetary Council:

I like the art, but I like the type-face used on Entry E.

I like Entry C best; it has such a different look from the "standard issue" cover.

I guess I like Entry C since it makes clear the Andorian nature of the story.

Looks the most like a current Pocket Books cover. A monochromatic style that we've seen used lately. Simple, uncluttered design that directs the viewer's attention to the Andorian, not the periphery or the background. I like the fact that the Andorian's "look" was kept anonymous... and that the Andorian on this cover could belong to any era, including the DS9 Relaunch.

Ian's comments:

This one gave me goosebumps when it came through. It's beautiful! If I saw it on the New Releases shelf of a science fiction bookshop, I would pick it up for a closer look even without the "Star Trek" title on it. The smaller white fonts are very attractive. Although the soft, invisible quality of the large series title, "Star Trek", isn't a highly commercial choice, the overall impact of the visuals actually causes me to rethink just what type of story this would be. To write the novel now and not have this image influence the mood of the book would be impossible. I love to gaze at the full size version - and I think I want a framed one! My eyes try to go deeply into the image. Is that an Andorian character we know? What is he wearing? Is he actually facing us? No, he - or she - is facing the lightsource. Is it one of Shar's ancestors? Is it the Ambassador of the blurb? Are we actually on Andor here, and is someone about to leap out from the trees and destroy the tranquility? Wonderful that so many questions run through my mind. Congratulations!

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Page revised September 2003
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