Toronto Science Fair
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Successes of 2015

The Toronto Science Fair Committee would like to thank all of the people and organizations that helped to make this years fair a great success for the students.

The Location:
The Toronto Science Fair was held on Saturday, March 27 at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus.

140 Students participated from kindergarten to grade 6
418 Students participated from grade 7 to grade 12

200 judges from educational institutions and industry came together to evaluate and learn from the student projects.

Student Volunteers:
50 high school and university students had the opportunity facilitate sharing between the primary students, and provide support to ensure the fair ran smoothly.


New England Bio Lab, Kiwanis Club of Toronto, Rotary Club of Toronto, Citizens for Medical Research.

Toronto District School Board, Toronto Catholic District School Board, University of Toronto Scarborough, Centennial College, Seneca College, Dalhousie University.


Guest Speakers for the students
All of the students from grade 7-12 had the opportunity to visit research labs at the University of Toronto Scarborough. Dr. Damian Pope from the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics was the guest speaker for our participants.

Team Toronto at the Canada Wide
Toronto took 10 of our top students to compete at the Canada Wide Science Fair in May. For these 10 students we received 5 received awards. They received the Manning Innovation Award for $500.00, 2 Silver Medals, 2 Bronze Medals.