Toronto Science Fair

Registration Fee

The registration fee of projects originating from the Toronto District School Board and Toronto Catholic District School Board is being generously covered by their respective Boards of Education. No further action is required on the part of TDSB and TCDSB project entries.

All grade 7 to 12 projects from other schools are subject to a $100.00 registration fee.

A bursary program is available for schools/projects that require financial assistance with respect to the registration fee. Additional information can be found below.

The Registration Fee should be remitted by cheque made payable to the Toronto Science Fair sent to the following address by March 4, 2016:
196 Brooke Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M5M 2K6

The registration fee is to be received before the registration deadline of March 4, 2016

The registration fee is non-refundable after March 4, 2016

Bursary to Cover Registration Entrance Fee

The award of a bursary will only be made where there is clear evidence in writing of a financial hard-ship.

To apply for a bursary to cover all or a part of the registration fees, a letter must be sent to the above address by February 20, 2016. This letter must present clear evidence of a financial hardship for the school involved and provide compelling evidence that the bursary is absolutely necessary..

The number of bursaries or partial bursaries that can be allocated is limited. In some cases only partial coverage by bursary will be possible. Please keep in mind that there is no charge for project registration for K-6 projects. Indicate in the letter the number of projects your school intends to send in each of the K-6 and 7-12 groups.

The TSF Committee intends to notify bursary applicants of the results of the allocations by March 4, 2016.