Toronto Science Fair

Project Registration Form For Students Kindergarten to Grade 6

Registration is now closed.

Participants must live in the City of Toronto (previously known as Metropolitan Toronto, with postal codes beginning with the letter 'M') or attend and represent a school in the City of Toronto. Students living outside Toronto should contact their local regional science fair organization.

Registration of a project requires that you have a pre-assigned password for a project entry. If you are a student, this password will have been supplied to you by the teacher responsible for Science Fair entries in your school.

Project Registration Form For Students Kindergarten to Grade 6

Items followed by (*) are required. Your form cannot be accepted without this information.


Registration of a project requires that you have a pre-assigned password for a project entry. If you are a student, this password will have been supplied to you by the teacher responsible for Science Fair entries in your school.

School Information

Your Project ID Number will be assigned on the basis of your school and the assigned password, so be very careful when selecting your school from the list below. The names listed are those listed by the Ministry of Education for the City of Toronto. You must select your school from the following list even if you are an independent entry. If your school is selecting participants, then no independent entries are allowed from students in that school.

Indicate the type of school, where Independent should be chosen if the student's school has chosen not to participate at all in TSF events, in which case, we will need emailed confirmation from the Principal of the school before registration can be completed.

Indicate the Project Category based on the grade-level of the student(s).

If your project requires AC electrical, please bring an extension cord, of length at least 25 feet or 8 meters, to the Fair

Participant Information

Read Carefully:

Enter all requested information for participants. Note that projects for students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 may involve more than 4 students, but registration data will only be collected for the first four participants, here designated Participants A, B, C, and D. Data must be entered starting with Participant A, in the sequence A, B, C, D.

Accurate email addresses are required. Email about your participation will be sent to the given address. If it "bounces" back to us, your project registration will be terminated!

By submitting this project registration form, and by your subsequent participation in the Toronto Science Fair events, you are agreeing to abide by all the rules established by the TSF Board, and accept the decisions of the TSF judges to be final decisions. Each participant must indicate below acceptance of this condition for participation.

Participant A Information

Emergency Contact Information for Participant A

Participant B Information

Emergency Contact Information for Participant B

Participant C Information

Emergency Contact Information for Participant C

Participant D Information

Emergency Contact Information for Participant D