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Birth Plan for Zachary
written by his mother


Zachary's mother notes, "We had no 'formal' birthplan as we were not certain whether Zachary would be born alive, and if so, how long he would live. We wrote down what we desired our birth experience and time with our son to be like and gave the nurses a copy upon arriving at the hospital."


1) Our son's heartbeat is to be monitored during labor. If heart rate drops drastically and does not recover, we would like to discuss options to deliver him as soon as possible.
2) I want no pain medications offered during delivery as I want to be completely alert for the birth of my son.
3) My husband and I would like to be alone with the doctor during delivery and for a few moments after; then we would like our children, parents, and siblings brought in.
4) We would like our son's cord to be cut by my husband or myself if I am able.
5) If born alive, we request that our son not be intubated, and no other heroic measure taken to prolong his life. We want Zachary to be able to die a dignified, natural death as painless as possible.
6) Our son is NOT to leave the room while alive, and we want him to remain with us as long as possible after his death.
7) Our son will be baptized by my husband immediately after birth, and will be blessed by my pastor as soon as he arrives.
8) There will be no autopsy performed on our son.
9) We would like to be alone, away from other newborns both before and after our son's birth. While we are happy for these couples, we cannot share in their joy while knowing that our son will die.
10) There are to be no tests performed other than a heel biopsy, which will be done after he passes away. We do not want our son to suffer in any way.
11) Most importantly, we want our son to be born and pass away surrounded by those that love him. Please do not enter our room unless necessary.


Zachary's story is online at


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