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Birth Plan for Brandon
written by his mother

With the anticipated arrival of our son with anencephaly, we have decided on our wishes for him in life and in death. Please respect our wishes and follow these directives as we have laid out:

1. The heart monitor is to be kept on him at all times, as we want to know when or if he dies in utero.
2. An epidural is wanted when it is an appropriate time for it.
3. We would like our parents to stay for the delivery, up until our son's head is out, then we would like to be alone with our son.
4. Our son's cord will be cut by his father.
5. Our son will be baptized immediately following this cutting of the cord, by his mother, whether he is alive or not.
6. If our son is alive, we do not want him given respiration.
7. If our son is alive, we would like him fed by IV if he is unable to nurse.
8. We would like our son to be kept warm by natural means, as we do not want him to spend his only minutes alive in a warmer.
9. We would like our son to stay with us at all times; we do not want him to leave the room while alive.
10. If our son is stillborn, we would like him to stay with us for as long as we desire.
11. We would like our family to return after our time with him, and they may stay as long as we desire them to. Please do not make visiting hours an issue, as this may be the only chance they get to meet him.
12. If seizures occur, if our son is alive, we would like suggestions on what to do, whether oxygen will help lessen them, or if there are other options.
13. We will have our parish priest come up as soon as he can to bless our son, whether alive or dead.
14. We do not want other doctors besides our obstetrician and neonatologist to examine our son in life or in death, unless medically necessary for his sake.
15. (I would add this as we forgot to do this) We would like to bathe and dress our son, if alive or dead, as soon as we feel ready to.
16. (I would add this one as well) We would like our son to stay in our room with us until the funeral director picks his body up, or until we can be discharge, if he is alive.







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