Family Agreements

Some families feel it would be a good idea to put their family rules and discipline agreements into some written form. Such a document can be regarded similar to a contract in that it clearly states what kind of behavior is expected, what is permitted and what isn't, and what the consequences for breaking rules will be. It can help to provide a greater sense of security and of fairness in discipline matters.

It probably makes no sense to try to come up with "recommended rules" as every family will have to find those sets of rules and consequences which work best for them. This website gives no recommendations but merely collects examples of agreements that readers of this website have sent in, without commenting on them.

Jo's behavior agreement

The following "behavior agreement" was sent in by an 18-year-old female reader (see Reader's Feedback, Sep 2, 2004 and Oct 2, 2004):

Jo's behavior agreement

Tamas Peter's Family Rules

These two documents were sent in by another reader on July 26, 2005:

Family Rules (a Microsoft Word document)
Points sheet (a Microsoft Excel document)

R's Punishment Contract

Please see Reader's Feedback, August 31, 2005.

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Last update: Nov-15-2005

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