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Keef's IMVU is moving to a new domain!!!

Please update your bookmarks!

This is something I should have done a looong time ago, but now with Yahoo closing down its geocities program I'm now forced to do it so I suppose its a good thing.

Anyhoo, the site itself is now in two locations so during this transition time as I update all my links and product pages you may be sent to one version or the other. The New Official Site Location is so if you see the pixelpusher domain, that's really me not someone else trying to pose Keef.

I am also taking the time to do a bit of a cleanup to the site, the overall look is the same but I am reperpousing some areas and sprucing up the retail area to be more fun and informative and to be able to direct shop from. So in the meantime links and such may be broken on the new domain until its all settled. Ive reorganized the tutorials a bit, they are now by subject vs by skillset, just were getting to be too many to be sorted the old way. You may see some things that were a bit hidden before

Thanks Everyone for your continued support for this site!




This website is owned and operated by Keef.
This is not an official IMVU website but an independently run support site.
All content with in is solely the creation and opinion of Keef.
Any comments or suggestions should be directed solely to Keef.
IMVU materials and Logos are used with permission of IMVU.
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