The Lion Voltron Episodes
Season One

1 Space Explorers Captured

Five space Explorers are heading thorough space when they notice a planet under attack and go to investigate. What they find is utter devastation no doubt at the hands on Doom. Their ship is soon captured by a Doom curser and they are taken to planet doom.

2 Escape to Another Planet

The Space Explores are now on Arus and looking for the castle the saw. The reach it and are greeted not so welcomingly by Coran. They are then the Voltron Force.

3 A Ghost and Four Keys

The Team heads down into the bowls of the castle to find the Keys to the lions but in their searching they only find four. The Key to the Black in missing

4 The Missing Key

Is all lost the force lay at the feet of the giant Robeast.

5 The Princess Joins Up

A new Castle of Lions emerges from the rubble of the old one and Allura joins the fight

6 The Right Arm of Voltron

Haggar plans to remove on of the force to disable Voltron

7 The Lion Has New Claws

Enter Nanny and the spankings begin! Oh, and Allura starts flying in this one!

8 The Stolen Lion

The Team is out practicing giving Allura a crash course in how to fly but she is pushed to far to fast and looses control. A ship seeing her plight locked a tractor beam onto her ship slowing her descent. The guy turns out to be a real snake, Literally!

9 A Pretty Spy

A slave escapes from Planet doom to Arus. The team takes her in not knowing that she was sent.

10 Secret of the White Lion
The spirit of King Alfor returns in the form of a white lion, or does he?

11 Surrender
Hell on Arus as the skies turn to blood and rain down upon the planet igniting fires everywhere.

12 Bad Birthday Party
Happy Birthday, Zarkon!

13 The Witch Gets a Facelift
Queen Orla is coming for a visit to see her nice Allura. Which Haggar uses the opportunity capturing her and the discussing herself as the Queen.

14 Yurak Gets His Pink Slip

Enter Prince Lotor!

15 Give Me Your Princess

Lotor is after the princess and he makes a deal with her.

16 Bridge Over the River Chozzerai

The legend of the love bridge has inspired a local village to reenact the events of the legend they get the princess to play the roll of the young woman who will play the roll of her love?

17 My Brother is a Robeast

The story of Pollux. King Avok of Plloux has plotted with Zarkon to rid himself of his troublesome neighbor once and for all, Planet Arus.

18 Zarkon is Dying

Lotor tries to save his dying father.(Yeah right!) He must collect special berries from Arus to save him. The witch Zandra prepares a magic potion to aide him by turning the trees into beasts. Allura, Nanny, and maids are ambushed in the forest by Lotor. (Why waste a trip to Arus.) Keith swings in and saves Allura from Lotor… again. Tree beasts combine into one giant beast. A little blazing sword action and Lotor’s sent packing. At least he remembered the berries which he gives to his father to “save him.”

19 The Buried Castle

20 Pidge's Home Planet

The team steal Voltron from Allura and Coran to try to save Pidge's home world.

21 It'll Be a Cold Day

Romelle is still in the clutches of doom.

22 Deadly Flowers

Beautiful flowers are blooming everywhere on arus even the deserts. Everyone rejoices in the gift from the heavens.

23 It Takes Real Lions

Swimming Anyone? Keith falls for the Princess in this one. Well, falls because of the princess and her string bikini! Later Nanny has a coronary finding Allura in her bikini and locks her in her room, only for Lotor to take advantage, breaking into Allura’s room where Allura is trapped

24 Raid of the Alien Mice

25 Short Run of the Centipede Express
Ion Gun

26 The Invisible Robeast
Allura, Nanny, Lance and Pidge are out for a carriage ride and are attacked There is an avalanche Keith swoops in and saves the princess… again!

27 The Green Medusa

28 The Treasure of Planet Tyrus

29 Magnetic Attraction
What feeds the Lions

30 The Sleeping Princess

Allura is dead. Or, at least the team has to pretend they think she’s dead. Keith imagines what it would be like if she really were to die. (So he is a sap after all!)

31 The Sincerest Form of Flattery

32 A Transplant for the Blue Lion

33 Attack of the Fierce Frogs

34 Lotor Traps Pidge

35 Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics

Keith is in the shower, Allura walks in…'nuff said!

36 Lotor's Clone

Really cool fight between Keith and Lotor. (Well, his clone anyway.)

37 Lotor's New Hit Man

38 Raid of the Red Berets

39 The Captive Comet

40 The Little Prince

41 There Will Be a Royal Wedding

42 The Sand People

43 Voltron Frees the Slaves

44 Voltron vs. Voltron

45 One Princess to Another

46 Mighty Space Mouse

47 Summit Meeting

For me, this is one of the best Voltron episodes! It needs it's own page! Keith admits to Coran that he cares for the princess. Keith asks her if she really wants to fly. Alfor comes to her in a dream telling her to run. Lotor catches her and Keith arrives again just in time but this time Lotor cuts him deeply across the chest with his laser sword.

48 Return of Coran's Son

49 Coran's Son Runs Amuck

50 Zarkon Becomes a Robeast

51 Lotor the King

52 Final Victory

Lion Voltron Season I, Lion Voltron Season II, Vehicle Voltron


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