The Vehicle Voltron Episodes

1. In Search of New Worlds

2 First Day On A New World WEP

3. Building a New World

4. Goodbye, New World

5 Try This World For Size WEP

6. A Storm of Meteors

7 Help Not Wanted WEP

8 Ghost Fleet From Another Planet WEP

9. A Very Short Vacation

10. Planet of the Bats

11. A Temporary Truce

12. Wolo's Lost World

13. Planet Stop for Repairs

14 A Curious Comet

Bracka’s Comet is passing the Explorer lands to monitor its effect as it passes. The Drule’s see it too and try to use it to their advantage. Nerock has a plan to use the Luna Effect to their advantage. When the comet passes Earth it sends the planet into a panic. The council meets in the Sky Dome and orders the support fleet to attack the Drules without Voltron there to help. Nerok then launches a look alike comet at the Explorer, a Trogon Horse, filled with fighters and a Robeast. Mid battle Hazar wants to call a truce but it’s to late. They form Voltron to fight the Robeast. The Robeast manages to shoot off Voltron’s right arm which quickly reassembles and they defeat the Robeast.

15. In the Enemy Camp

16. Who's On First?

17. No, Who's On Second

18. What's On First

19. Great Stone Space Faces

20. Defend the New World

21 Meanwhile Back at Galaxy Garrison

Voltron force needs aide of the money kind. Back at Galaxy Garrison Graham, Steel and Newley need to gain support for the Explorer program. Steel and Newley face the council to argue their cause. Meanwhile the force is busily honing their skills. Graham attending a reception finds most to be apathetic to their cause. The council decides without Martial Grahams approval to send the support feet. Steel and Newley then reminisce of what Voltron has done (Can you say flashbacks!) Steel tells of when they tried to make a backup Voltron based on Dr Lauring’s plans. It failed miserably. Gram approves of the counsel decision and the force goes out to greet them in style.

22. Nerok Scores Big

23. Hazar on the Carpet

24 Hazar is Demoted

The Voltron team takes some time to reminisce about home while Hazar returns to planet Drule to face trial for helping them. He meets up with his sister Dorma and they go to their parents home. The climate on Drule is hostile towards him. His trial is quick the verdict long being decided before it even began. Hazar is to be transferred to planet Dreska. As he is heading of to his new assignment, the Voltron Force goes to escort settlers to their new home a planet they named Hazar.

25. Just Like Earth

26. The Planet Trap

27 Save the Space Station

The Air Team is out on space recon as the Explorer fleet is being repaired. Meanwhile Carver’s support fleet is delayed leaving the space station defenseless. Nerock uses the moment and attacks the space station releasing a Robeast at it and demanding its surrender. The space station does everything it can to defend itself launching its Stingray Fighters and using its Magna Lasers. The Robeast eventually gets inside the space station. The crew sets a trap, overloading the conversion reactor, and blast the Robeast clear outside of the hull. The Voltron force eventually arrive and hut down yet another Robeast hiding in the nearby asteroids. They eventually defeat it using their solar spears, spinning laser blades, and a final double slash with the blazing sword sending the Drules packing.

28 Planet of the Amazons

The Voltron Force is approaching planet Eldora when they are attacked, the planets inhabitants thinking that they are Drules. When they get to the surface they find that it is much like Egypt. Jeff tries to reason with them but they wont listen. Jeff is taken inside and has to prove to the ruler, Queen Neffra, that they are friendly and not Drules. Zabar the Drule, contacts Neffra and tells her that Jeff is his Ally and she must release him thus convincing her that he’s a Drule spy. Jeff has to run when they attack him. The Drule’s then attack outside, releasing a Robeast. Jeff gets to his ship and they form Voltron to fight the Robeast. They defeat it and drive the Drules away.

29 Revolt of the Slaves

On the Slave world Dema, Flazon is going to make examples of some slaves but is diverted by an alert that Voltron is in the area. The slaves overhear this “There is a Voltron!” The Voltron force plans some down time unaware of the slave base. The Explorer lands on the planet. The then Drules launch a missile attack on the unsuspecting Explorer. Voltron heads out to defend, destroying the missile silos. A Robeast hits Voltron from behind. The Slaves, watching what is going on, make there own plans, using the diversion of the attack to their advantage but a guard hears them plotting. They overpower the guard taking his weapon. Gathering the others they lead a revolt and rush the Drules, overpowering them. Outside the Explorer tries to get away as Voltron fights the Robeast. Voltron cuts off one of the beast’s heads before destroying it completely. The Force then discovers the slaves. Landing they discover the slaves were mislead by the Drules then enslaved. The Team is then called to go aid the Explorer still under attack. Voltron quickly destroys the Drule ship leading the attack. They return to the planet and take the slaves home.

30. Raid on Galaxy Garrison

31 Smashing the Meteor Barrier

Voltron goes to attack a Drule command base leading the support fleet, but they have to go through an asteroid belt to get there. Keezor plans to set a trap in the asteroid belt boxing in the space explorers, but an overzealous Drule commander, Melnon, jumps the gun and attacks to soon. The Explorer sends a probe into the belt and discovers mines. The support fleet is attacked by Melnon and Voltron goes to defend attacking a Robeast. They drive the Drules off and return to the command ship. The Lieutenant volunteers to take the meteor breaker into the belt to clear a path for Voltron and the support fleet. The force waits. When they are called to action Lisa stops Jeff to give him a good luck charm, her necklace. They all follow the Lieutenant as he blasts his way through the asteroid belt in the meteor breaker. When they break through they discover the Drule base abandoned, the Drules pulling out knowing they had already lost.

32 A Man Made Sun

Keezor has set a trap luring in Voltron towards their Robeast factory. The Drules release a Robeast to stall them. Voltron makes short work of it and they continue on their way. When they get to the base the 3 teams separate. Jeff plans to lead the air team but gets shot in the arm, luckily he’s wearing his lucky necklace Lisa gave him! Once bandaged up, the Air Team with Cric go on foot to destroy the base, just as Keezor planed. They are soon getting cooked in Keezor’s trap. Chip comes up with a plan using solar energy and saves them. The get to the main power plant and set bombs. They make a hasty retreat, the base exploding behind them but get trapped inside. Colonel Carber decides to crash his command ship into the base to save them. His ship is destroyed but they all get out safely.

33. Captain Newley Returns

34. Hazar Bucks the Empire

35. Letters from Home

36. Peace.. A Fish Story

37. The Red Moon People

38. This World's for the Birds

39. That's the Odd Ball Game

40 Red Moon Rises Again

Hazar ruminates about his dying world. Captain Twila is sent out as the VV Air Team is exploring a new world, one the Drules had nicknamed The Devils Planet. Meanwhile on the Explorer, Lisa and Cinda share some makeup tips. While exploring the planet the Air Team is captured and pulled under water by a hidden advanced settlement. Cric and Cliff are sent out with their teams to search for the missing Air Team. Jeff is taken away, strapped to a mind reading machine and questioned. The Land and Sea team’s land at a primitive settlement by the water. They find a common enemy with the naives in the Drules. The people under the water find Jeff to be truthful. The Air team then discovers that these are the survivors from the planet of the red moon. A Robeast attacks village. This is the episode in which the Drules comment on Voltron only having 5 minutes of stored energy. Voltron force defeats the beast and find a new ally in the settlers.

41 Another Solar System WEP

42 Whose World Is It? WEP

43 It's Anybody's World WEP

44. Frozen Assets

45. Coconuts

46. It Could Be a Long War

47 Color Me Invisible

Commander Nerock Sets a trap for VV to win a bet. He sends out a distress call from planet Itlam to lure Voltron Force there, its gravity field rendering it almost invisible to scanners. The three captains unsuccessfully work on Hawkins to let them go on the offensive. Hearing the distress call they go to investigate. When they find out it’s an enemy ship signal they instead go “Drule Hunting.” still unaware of the trap. The force returns to report finding Nerock fleet apparently disabled. The trap is sprung and a Robeast is released, but both sides wait for the other to make the first move. Hawkins insists that they hold their fire to Jeff’s dismay. His hunch proves right the Robeast just flys away instead of fighting.

48. Time Running Out

49. Zero Hour Approaches

50. The Drules World Cracks Up

51. The Drules Surrender

52. The End of Hazar's World

Lion Voltron Season I, Lion Voltron Season II, Vehicle Voltron


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