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The Pelion (Kor�a) had strong geometers and people that were involved in atomic theory. Democritus of Abdera is best known for his atomic theory, and he cooperated closely with the other scientist of Pelion (Kor�a) who misteriously was killed on the way to his house. Many officers of Pelion (Kor�a) participated in Peloponnesian War. In Pelion (Kor�a) lived Illyrian tribes of Omfaliany, Kestriny, Molsosi, and Albanoi. The Roman concquered the city in 199BBC. The total transfer to Roman Empire and Emperor was in 11BC. Illyrian lived with their laws and tradition. The Roman Empire did not interfere with their customs, religion, and tradition. Around 4BC, Illyrians protested all over, and they have expressed their dissatisfaction. The Romans in Pelion (Kor�a) were in small numbers. The protests increase into a small struggle between the native Illyrians and Roman soldiers. One of the Illyrian senators in Rome visited the Illyrian tribes in Pelion (Kor�a), and somehow the senator managed to convince both parties for peace.  Nevertheless, the Roman soldiers continued breaking the peace deal which triggered armed conflict.  The Illyrians of Pelion (Kor�a) ranged wars against Romans. The Romans experienced huge losses and were defeated. The new army of Rome managed to conquer the city and the region after few years. The Romans arrived in Pelion (Kor�a) due to the anarchy which rulled the city for few years.  The christianity in this region appeard around 28 AD. Throughout the time, Pelion (Kor�a) witnessed wars and unrests.
Christianity came to the Illyrian lands in the first century A.D. Saint Paul wrote that he preached in the Roman province of Illyricum and legend holds that he visited Durracium or today Durr�s and Pelion (Kor�a). The Illyrians paid their taxes and tributes to the Romans. The first century AD is characterized by building small Christian churches. The churches looked small and not different from their houses. Roman Senate promotes the welfare of the people in 50AD. The Illyrian senators welcomed the promotion. From 81 to 96 AD, the writers of the time were very well heard through the writings of historical novels and poetry. The legends and history became prime target for the ancient writers. The Roman Emperor, Domitian, was a cruel and suspicious tyrant in the years of his rule. The year 81 to 96 AD was the period of terror associated with many assassinations of the best ancient writers. It is believed that during this time 12 writers were killed in Pelion (Kor�a). At the end, Dometian ended with his murder. The Dardanian King, Trajan, was chosen to be the Roman Emperor from 98AD to 117AD. He managed to unite the Illyrian and Dacian tribes. The Emperor Trajan was noted in the history of Rome for his excellent administration. Under the administration of Emperor Trajan, the empire reached Cultural Revolution. During Trajan�s rain, Pelion (Kor�a) experienced growth and wealth and people improved their living. The Roman Empire was ruled for short time by Illyrian, Publius Helvius Pertinex.
He ruled from December 192 to March 28, 193. The year 200AD is characterized with renaissance in the architecture all over the Roman Empire including Pelion (Kor�a). In 293AD,  the emperor Diocletian created the Tetrarchy. In this Tetrarchy, the Roman Empiror   divided  the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern portions. Diocletian became Augustus of the Eastern empire, with Galerius as his Caesar. Constantius was appointed Caesar to the Western Augustus. When the Roman Empire split, Pelion (Kor�a) became important city of the Byzantine Empire. During this time, the Illyrians worked and prospered. Many soldiers joined the army of the Constantine the Great. Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus was the first Roman Emperor to profess Christianity. Constantine I or Constantine the Greate  not only initiated the evolution of Christianity in the Roman Empire, but he ended the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. He allowed every christian to practice his religion, but he instituted several legislative measures on Jewish people. They were not allowed to force their slaves to convert to jewism, nor he allowed them to have a christian as a slave.  He prohebited the jewish to circumsize their slaves.  Nevetheless, Jewish people were allowed to practice their religion, and he allowed them to enter Jerusalem on the anniversary of the destruction of their sinagogue.  Constantine also enforced the prohibition of the First Council of Nicaea against celebrating Easter on the day before the Jewish Passover. The Illyrian lands were under Byzantine force, and ruled by Illyrian. Nevertheless, Illyrian were administered by Eastern Empire, but they were deppendable on Rome.  All the Illyrians were Christians. The Illyrians that lived in Mountainous region were Catholics; while the ones that lived in valley region and arround major cities were Orthodox christians. The region of Pelion (Kor�a)  ramined to be addorable to eastern Christianity known as  Orthodox Christians.
The city was divided. With the help of Illyrian forces, particularly from the region of Pelion (Kor�a), Shkodra, Kumanova, Shkupi, Prizren, Peja, and other cities, the Emperor Heraclius wins back the golden cross �Cross of Christ� from Persians in 614. In 732 AD, the Byzantine emperor, Leo the Isaurian, subordinated the area to the patriarchate of Constantinople. Thereafter, the Albanian lands became an arena for the ecclesiastical struggle between Rome and Constantinople. The nomadic Slavic tribes in small numbers started moving from north toward south. The Byzantine Empire already has given the permission to Slavic nomadic people to live in the Empire. Nevertheless, the people of Pelion (Kor�a) did not like the slaves.  In 997, the Bulgarians and other Slavic tribes including Asiatic tribes of Cuman and Oghuz attacked the Byzantine Empire. The attack failed. In the battle, some e of the soldiers of the Byzantine Empire came from the region of Pelion (Kor�a). In 1054 AD, was a dispute over authority of Vatican and the Pope. The Vatican and Pope claimed authority over the insertion of the filioque clause into the Nicene Creed. In the other side, the Eastern Christians claimed primacy, and the Patriarch of Rome does not have the authority to change the decisions of Ecumenical Councils. In addition, the variance over liturgical practices and conflicting claims of jurisdiction were a cause the church to split into two. By 1100AD, the Church officially split on doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographic lines.
After the organization of all the Illyrian tribes in April 1204, the Crusaders occupied Constantinople and dismembered the Byzantine Empire. Michael Komnino Doukas then founded the Despotate of Epirus with Arta as its capital. Later, with the resurgence of Byzantine power, Janina became an independent Byzantine province, thus entering into a period of prosperity for the whole region. Pelion (Kor�a)  remained to be skeptical, and the citizens of Pelion (Kor�a)  were split. Some supported the Byzantine and the others the Despotate of Epir. It was the first period of prosperity to begin in 1204 when Michael Komninos founded the Despotate of Epirus In 1204, the people of Epirus declared the independence, and founded the Despotate of Epirus. It was one of the independent states which have taken the place of the Byzantine Empire after its dissolution by the crusaders, under a prince of the Byzantine House of Angjeli Chamneni who assumed the title of Despot. The founder of the Despotate Michael I, was murdered shortly after he took over Corfu in 1214. He was succeeded by Theodore and Manuel. This time of Epirus rule was a time of security, progress and peace for the island. The 4th and last despot Michael II especially favored the island. This time the fortress of Angelo Castro was built in the northwest part of the island of Corfu. A town named 'Coviza' is mentioned in medieval documents in 1280. The Albanian Catholic called the city as Corizza.
The Ottoman Turkey ocupied many strongholds in Albanian territories. The city was conquered after huge Albanian rezistance in 1440. Later , the Ottomans included the city in the villayet of Manastir. On of the most emminent Albanian from Kor�a was Iljaz Bey Mirahor, whos unit played important role in the siege of Constantinople, in 1453. Another high ranking Albanian from Kor�a was Iljaz Hoxha. He served the Sultan Mehmet II very well. As much the city did for Sultan and Ottoman Turkey, the Sultan did not do for Kor�a. Nevertheless, Kor�a experienced growth during the Ottoman period. The Kor�a province was the property of Muzakajt, one of the feudal families of that time in the first half of 15th century. In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries Kor�� was a centre of commerce and trade. The city has served as a very important trading market. Throughout the centuries, Albanian caravans began their travels to Turkey, Greece, and Russia from Kor�a. In the second half of 19th century the city rose to be a very important economic, trade and cultural centre. During the late Ottoman era, the city became one of the main centres of the growing Albanian intellectuality. The first teaching school in the Albanian language was established in 1887. Today, it houses the National Education Museum. In 1891, the city opened the first Albanian school for girls.  The Ottoman Turkey lived in Kor�a until 1912 living behind a true history of an era.
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