
Бобан Богатиновски


словенечки (Запис за еден пијан човек потпрен на ѕидот)

Zapis o pijancu naslonjenem na zid

koliko nadstropij je ostalo
moj angel

cisto malo
samo se tri
samo se tri

kaj pa ce se povrzpnem do drugega
na tretjega pa se ne bom mogel povypeti

англиски (Последната слабост)

My last weakness

Remind me of beauty
of the forgotten note on perfection
remind me of the caterpillars’ dream
of the secret life of the corals
remind me
of rainbows’ smile
of the birch timbers of the street of dreams
remind me of beauty
of the most exquisite houses of cards
of the benevolence – the old nibbled bone
remind me
maybe I’ll change my mind
at this, next to last moment
before I swing the digger
to the colossal knee of unuverse

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