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Zandelle - Shadows of Reality (1998) Reviewed on 12/31/04


Nation: United States

Album Genre: Power Metal/Traditional Metal

Pros: As musicians, Zandella employs a basic formula of old school power metal combined with traditional, and while it is basic, it works for the band. They create catchy riffs and solos combined with uplifting drum beats. Everything about this band sends off an old school vibe, which is okay because it is executed well. Oh, and the production has an 80's feel to it, which I think sounds cool here!

Cons: The vocals.....are fucking terrible! I don't even normally listen to this album because the friggin songs are ruined by the horrid vocals. This guy seems to know what he needs to do, but the execution goes awry leaving the listener cringing desperately as the shrieks suddenly turning into a higher range of shrieking causing the listener to suddenly pass out, waking up 5 hours later in their own vomit thinking they just had a long night of drinking.

.....Okay, so maybe that is a little too severe, but this guy is still bad, and completely brings down the band. Vocal switch time folks!


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