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Wolfsheim - Casting Shadows (2003) Reviewed on 12/16/04

Vewy Good

Nation: Germany

Album Genre: Synth Pop/Goth Electronica

Pros: Ahhhh, this is more my pace. Catchy electronica without repetitive vocals. I am REALLY digging this stuff! This is proof that you can have electronic music without being repetitive. The basic formulaic nature of this album maybe redundant from song to song, but with the original lyrics throughout each song, I could allow myself to enjoy the rhythym of the music more, as opposed to Wumpscut which sometimes sounded like a broken record that kept repeating the choruses and basic synth lines.

Cons: Has it's moments of repetitiveness, but overall the vocals pick up the slack. It is only the few moments when the lyrics themselves become repetitive that it can become trying.


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