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Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve & Other Stories (1996) Reviewed on 12/23/04

Vewy Good

Nation: United States

Album Genre: Orchestral Rock/Metal, Assorted Other Genres

Pros: Okay, everyone loves the classics like Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole, but a fan of rock music, this has to be one of the most impressive displays of musicianship paying homage to the greatest and most important event of the year. From the beautiful vocal performances, to the jazzy numbers, to the all out rock n orchestra mixed performances...the boys from Savatage have really outdone themselves with this side project. This is a top to bottom fantastic, highly accessible piece of rock music that can truly be enjoyed by the entire family during the holiday season.

Cons: If I put negatives for this album, I would be doing everyone a disservice.


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