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Skid Row - Skid Row (1989) Reviewed on 1/3/05

Vewy Good

Nation: United States

Album Genre: Glam Metal/Traditional 80's Style Heavy Metal

Pros: Anyone out there want some fun as hell rock n roll? Then saunter your little ass over to the nearest record store and pick this little baby up! This album is nothing special, it is standard 80's glam metal fare, but it does have a couple of things going for it--Sebastian Bach's superior vocals, and some kick ass riffing which creates some great American rock classics like "Youth Gone Wild", and "18 And Life." I took this album for what it is, and really enjoyed the fun atmosphere it put out. That's my story, and I'm stickin to it!

Cons: Highly glamitized for mainstream audiences! If you are a wretched hater of glam, then you'll probably NOT like this album.


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