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Samson - Shock Tactics (1981) Reviewed on 8/8/04


Nation: United Kingdom

Album Genre: Traditional Metal/NWOBHM

Pros: It's too bad that Samson is primarily known as Bruce Dickinson's first band, because they busted out some sweet chops in their time, and this record is a classic example of some good ole' New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Just about all the songs are standard British metal fare of the day, but with Bruce's vocals and the overall peppy, yet well written tunes, this album is definitely a stand out release in an otherwise over saturated genre of the era. Some stand out tracks include "Go to Hell" which is a stand out vocal performance for Bruce. In addition to "Go to Hell", "Once Bitten" is great because it is the stand out heavier tune on the album and just drips attitude. Overall though, there isn't one bad track on this album.

Cons: Lyrics can become a bit repetitive.


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