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The Ordinary Boys - Over the Counter Culture (2004) Reviewed on 1/20/05


Nation: United Kingdom

Album Genre: Indie Rock/Punk (ala The Clash)

Pros: What I initially think of when I think of this album, is complete reckless abandon in the hopes of having fun and being absolutely ridiculous. When one listens to this album, they will immediately get the vibe of The Clash and The Cult molded together to form a very retro rock feel. I am not the biggest fan of this album, but you can tell what works and what doesn't. The Ordinary Boys have developed happy go lucky vocals along with some simplistic, but telling instrumental work that really brings out the atmosphere. Some of my faves on the album consist of "Seaside" and "In Awe of the Awful Truth"

Cons: The vocals on some of the songs can become a bit over-exaggerated and contrived. The originality also comes into question with some of the tunes sounding like they could have been ripped from an 80's The Clash album--this doesn't necessarily means it takes away from the album, but as a modern rock group, originality is key to success. Or maybe the retro feel is original nowadays in a sea of uninspired ridiculousness.


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