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Mortification - Scrolls of the Megilloth (1992) Reviewed on 1/10/05

Vewy Good

Nation: Australia

Album Genre: Christian Death Metal

Pros: Who would have thought that Christian music could be some unbelievably brutal and neckbreaking? This is not your standard Sunday school song, this is extreme death metal with unrelenting harshness, both sonically and lyrically. Yes, this is a pro-Christian themed band (all the members are devout Christians), but the lyrics are not pretty. They show the harsh, darker side of Christianity about what happens if you deny God and all that. This is all stuff that people don't usually want to think about when they commit bad sins and think they are going to be dandy. However, devout Christians hold their actions in much higher regard, and like most death metal, Mortification goes to the extreme in making sure people are aware of the not so loving side of Christianity. This is an in your face style of bible thumping. Regardless if you are a Christian or not, this should be taken as music and music only, because it is good stuff. Mortification is like the antithesis to Deicide, in that Deicide plays almost death metal about Satanism to an almost cartoonish level of ridiculousness. Both bands take their views to the extreme, but death metal is and has always been about pushing the boundaries of acceptable music. This album, despite being Christian, is no different, but should be appreciated for it's aesthetic value, not for the value judgements heard within. From what I have heard from this band and their varying sound from one album to another, this is their most solid.

Cons: The extremity the band goes to spreading their message. I, however won't be very critical of this, because if listeners don't want to hear Christian themed songs, they can go someplace else. Mortification does not try to mask who they are, so if you can't appreciate their music because of the highly religious content, then go elsewhere.


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