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Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness (1989) Reviewed on 8/8/04


Nation: United States

Album Genre: Death Metal

Pros: This is the first of Morbid Angel's rather large death metal discography. In addition to being the beginning of a brutal regime, it also represents a pillar in the death metal community as being a staple piece of death metal from the early years. With that reputation, this album has to be some of the best death metal on the face of the planet right? Well, its good, I will give Morbid Angel founder Trey Azagthoth for putting out an aggressive album like this. I do enjoy listening to this record, but I don't like it as much as some other death metal releases.

Cons: INCREDIBLY overrated! Overall, while it has some redeeming values, I think its actually kind of a generic death metal album, regardless if it was the founder of generic death metal.


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