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Mantador - Perfect Progeny (1989) Reviewed on 1/1/05

Vewy Good

Nation: The Netherlands

Album Genre: Thrash Metal

Pros: Completely bad ass Euro thrash! These boys from the Netherlands can rip it up with completely thrashtastic riffage! Mandator are one of the unsung Heroes of the 80's thrash movement and were unfortunately swept under the rug after only two records. Highly recommended for thrash freaks like me! Oh, and the vocalist is actually one of my favorites in the thrash genre, which unfortunately usually consists of two categories: the high pitched attempt at actually singing, or the Euro style of over abundant quasi-growling. Mandator's vocalist doesn't attempt to sing (which is probably good), but he doesn't try to growl either. He is a vocalist with alot of attitude, and it really fits the fast paced thrasherrific sound of this album.

Cons: The speed guitar work gets caught up with itself sometimes nad begins to get sloppy in places, but's barely noticeably and really does not subtract from the overall sound quality.


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