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Lullacry - Crucify My Heart (2003) Reviewed on 11/12/04

Vewy Good

Nation: Finland

Album Genre: Melodic Metal

Pros: Pop metal? Is that possible? Well, just imagine putting the best in pop vocals with a metallic band in the background and you'll really understand what I am getting at. For rabid metal fans this idea is probably rather disheartening, but once you throw on the headphones and really get a taste for what this music truly has to offer, you will feel all your preconceived notions about this music wash away. Lullacry is truly one of a kind, and this album is the epitome of what this band has to offer.

Cons: Guitars do have solos here and there, but for the msot part the band is dominated by Tanja Laino's vocals, which for this band, can be a weakness. Despite the original sound these guys possess, this band is alot like Evanescence just better in every sense of the word. However, the same problems that persist in Evanescence would persist in this band. Lullacry would simply fail without the amazing lead female vocals, but as is...the band rocks.


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