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Laaz Rockit - Annihilation Principle (1989) Reviewed on 11/30/04

Vewy Good

Nation: United States

Album Genre: Thrash Metal

Pros: One of the underground greats of the Bay Area Thrash era of the 1980's. The big 4 consisting of Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer were great in their own rights, or else they wouldn't have achieved the unmitigated success they had, however, the lesser known acts like Laaz Rockit and Heathen, were examples of why metal is great, because status in the media and overall popularity never reflects on the sound quality. "Annihilation Principle" is just a straight up solid thrash album. There is nothing dramatically special about this album to make it stand out from the pack--but that doesn't matter, because these boys can thrash it up just as well, it not better in some cases, than the more popular thrash outfits from California and New York.

Cons: Vocals are not as developed on some songs, but then again thrash was never developed to have a main focus on vocal talents.


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