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Hatebreed - Perseverance (2002) Reviewed on 8/14/04

Vewy Good

Nation: United States

Album Genre: Hardcore

Pros: Very few albums just want to make me get out of my seat and start headbanging and thrashing around, but this album is one of those albums, and that is a good thing. The pure emotion eminating from this album is very strong. I think what makes this band so strong is their hardcore usage of metallic riffs. This is a strong natural progression for the hardcore scene, because the standard hardcore riff is very punk driven, which I don't think has the same "oomph" that a metal riff has. So when the attitude and the general rythym of hardcore is combined with the intricacies of metal, your result is one fine Hatebreed album. Alot of the generic "metalcore" bands could learn alot from these modern hardcore legends.

Cons: Vocals are very monotone, which can become tiresome, but it does seem to fit the music well.


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