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End of All - Paradise Burning (2004) Reviewed on 8/8/04


Nation: United States

Album Genre: Death Metal

Pros: I noticed a few decent hardcore breakdowns....I think thats it.

Cons: Good God the vocalist is fucking irritating! GUH! GO AWAY! And musically...this is some hardcore/death/grindcore hybrid with horribly over triggered drum beats combined with a drum machine (I HATE FUCKING DRUM MACHINES!) This is not generic, but it stinks of glossy studio output trying to sound really brutal and it fails miserably. This album amounts to a bunch of screaming over some chugging guitar riffs with a drum machine dominating the whole damn song. Avoid this album! And what the hell is with a quarter of the song being dominated by sound clips!??!? If you want better death metal with sound clips listen to SKINLESS. This whole thing is such a load of poo!


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