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Black Candle - The Faceless Angel (2002) Reviewed on 8/15/04


Nation: Luxembourg

Album Genre: Black Metal

Pros: If there is one thing black metal bands excel at, its creating atmosphere with their music. Few genres of music can pull of eery feelings that dwell to the dephs of your heart. Black metal manages to pull it off, and its more effective than any horror movie. Take the intro to this album: "Angel Stench". There is not one metallic riff in the whole song, its just ambient guitars, this weird harmonic noise that sounds like its from the 50s, and white noise as the background filler. This proceeds for the first 2 and a half minutes roughly, and then it cuts off....silence......leading into the crushing "Synthetic Drama" which is actually more characteristic of thrash metal, but it carries the black metal feel very very well. For me, because of the moodiness of the album, it can be a good listen once and awhile, but the primary metallica portions of the album, get thin quickly. "Faceless Angel" is probably my fave track on the album.

Cons: Lacks in any compositional originality. Besides the moody feel in the songs, it seems to be standard thrash/black metal fare, which I am just not a big fan of.


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